Other content tagged: Ukrainian parent organisation

Preventing professional burnout among healthcare workers in Ukraine: A lifeline amidst war

How a Ukrainian patient organisation is supporting 800 healthcare workers in five regions - a guest article by Oleksandra Balyasna, Head of "Ranni Ptashky" ("Early Birds Preemie Parent Association" )in Ukraine, EFCNI PAB Member, and GLANCE Advisory Board Member. Healthcare workers are the backbone of any healthcare system, providing critical care, support, and treatment to thousands of patients daily. However, this profession is fraught with stress, emotional strain, and physical exhaustion, making healthcare workers particularly vulnerable to professional burnout. This…
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Guaranteed by the state: Empowering families to know and exercise their rights

Guest article by Oleksandra Balyasna, Head of  partner parent organisation "Early Birds" in Ukraine and member of the EFCNI Parent and Patient Advisory Board. Knowing your rights guaranteed and provided by the State can decrease the stress among parents of preterm babies and improve health outcomes for both mothers and newborns. Questions to think about for every parent organisation: Does your patient network know their rights and where to check this information? Do you know what to do when your…
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Working with loss in Ukraine

A guest article by Oleksandra Balyasna from the Ukrainian parent organisation Early Birds. Talking about pregnancy losses and child death is very complicated. It is considered to be a taboo topic in Ukraine. Discussing such a delicate topic and asking openly for a support from others is not part of the Slavic culture. Most of the mothers respectively families tend to deal with their pain by themselves, or at the maximum extend to share the trauma within the closest family.…
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