
Other content tagged: support

What matters to women in the postnatal period?

The postnatal period is an important adjustment period for women, which lasts from after delivery until up to six weeks after birth. During this phase women receive immediate clinical care and community support to ensure the health of mother and child by providing support for breastfeeding practices, monitoring the infants’ development and counselling. Yet, maternity care is often insufficient and differs across countries. To ensure that women receive the best care, a study identified…
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Providing a Family Support Service during Coronavirus

A guest article by Alison Mc Nulty, Chief Executive Officer, Tinylife, Northern Ireland Every year in Northern Ireland 2000 babies are born too soon, too sick or too small spending anything from a few days, weeks or even months in one of the 7 neonatal units across the country. In 1988 Northern Ireland had the highest levels of baby mortality and morbidity across the developed world, so a group of parents and health…
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Virtual Education sessions for parents: An interview with Fabiana Bacchini

We interviewed Fabiana Bacchini from the parent organisation Canadian Premature Babies Foundation (CPBF) on their Virtual Education sessions, which include interviews with experts on topics regarding COVID-19 and prematurity, and their new COVIDCare program which offers two free counselling sessions to new parents in need.   Exchanging knowledge and sharing experience are always important but even more so in times of COVID-19. What do you offer to support your parent network in terms of exchange and support…
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The little hero’s house – a holistic follow-up concept from the Netherlands

A guest article by Dr Angelique Haringsma and Hiltje Heyman The idea was born along the football field. Our sons were in the same team and we were not only cheering for them because, during our conversations, we felt the same passion as we were both working in the care and cure section. Angelique Haringsma as a neonatologist and Hiltje Heyman as a family coach. The strange thing is that, while we are both working with premature babies and their…
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Funny Adventures of Twins: El Bebek Gul Bebek releases book to encourage parents and families of preterm children

Our partner organisation El Bebek Gul Bebek from Turkey released a new book called ‘Funny Adventures of Twins’. The book is a helpful resource for parents and families of preterm children, says Ilknur Okay, Chairwoman of El Bebek Gul Bebek: “Every preterm baby and their parents have a different, but generally difficult story. We, as parents who walked through this rocky path believe that with timely, proper care and love, the end of difficult times can be rewarding. ‘Funny Adventures…
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