Other content tagged: SSC
Improving therapeutic hypothermia for newborns by keeping parents close to their newborns
Therapeutic hypothermia (TH) is the standard treatment for perinatal asphyxia. A Swedish study explores the integration of parent-infant closeness during TH, highlighting the benefits of combining TH with family-centred care. Through interviews with NICU staff in Sweden, the research underscores the importance of standardised routines, supportive care environments, and parental involvement to enhance the effectiveness of TH and improve outcomes for infants and their families. Understanding therapeutic hypothermia Therapeutic Hypothermia (TH) involves lowering a newborn’s…
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Mothers’ experiences of early skin-to-skin contact vs. traditional separation approach after a very preterm birth
Researchers in Norway explored experiences of mothers of very preterm children regarding early skin-to-skin contact vs. a traditional separation approach. Mothers benefited from skin-to-skin contact as it ensured them the vitality of the infant, promoted bonding and gave them an overall positive, emotionally overwhelming experience. In the last decades, contact between mother and child immediately after birth has changed. Nowadays, skin-to-skin contact (SSC) is mostly promoted, which also applies to caesarean sections. According to the…
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Increasing Early Skin-to-Skin in Extremely Low Birthweight Infants
Although the benefits of skin-to-skin care (SSC) for preterm and low birthweight infants are known to the neonatal community, some health centres still struggle with implementation. To increase SSC within the first 72 hours of life among extremely low birthweight (ELBW) infants, a multidimensional approach was chosen at a Level IV university-based regional intensive care nursery (ICN). SSC has many benefits for mothers and infants, especially those born preterm. Previous studies showed that in…
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