Other content tagged: RSV

A holistic view of RSV: Evaluating the burden of a child’s hospitalisation on parents’ health-related quality of life

The Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) is a common infection in children below 2 years of age. It can have an unpredictable disease course and may require sudden hospitalisation, especially in infected newborns. While the effects on the child itself have been the subject of several scientific studies, the overall burden on the family has not yet been fully investigated. Among others, parents’ mental health is severely impacted by worrying about the sick child, adding…
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Know the facts in a world full of infectious respiratory viruses

  Explore our corporate partner AstraZeneca's new one-stop web resource for respiratory virus knowledge and try the symptom comparator right away. It's that time of year again when coughs and colds are ubiquitous. But is it possible to have several respiratory diseases at the same time? Indeed, this phenomenon is known as coinfection although it is relatively rare due to the competition between the viruses during infection.[1-3] While infrequent, the consequences of coinfection may…
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RSV Policy and Advocacy Workshop in Munich

From 23 to 25 June 2023, parent and patient representatives from all over the world came together to exchange and learn about effective policy and advocacy activities and tools using the example of RSV in young children. It was a pleasure for EFCNI to host this workshop on policy and advocacy in the field of RSV in Munich from 23 to 25 June 2023. The three days were packed with practical exercises, interesting group discussions and workshops to help the…
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New preliminary study results suggest that new RSV antibody may help reduce infant hospitalisation due to RSV

Interesting first preliminary results from the HARMONIE phase 3b trial on the efficacy of Nirsevimab against RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) infection were presented at the 41st Annual Meeting of the European Society for Paediatric Infectious Diseases (ESPID) in Lisbon in early May. According to these initial results, a single intramuscular dose of this new monoclonal antibody would significantly reduce the frequency of hospitalisations in infants with RSV-associated lower respiratory tract infections (LRTI), suggesting that…
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Beneficial influence of breastfeeding on Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)-associated acute lower respiratory infections in children – a systematic literature review

The Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) poses a significant risk of serious infection in children worldwide, in particular in children in low-income and middle-income countries. However, previous studies indicated that breastfeeding could be a protective factor as it strengthens the immune system and protects against other serious childhood infections. A current systematic review summarises the available evidence on breastfeeding and its effects on acute lower respiratory infections which are associated with RSV. Breastfeeding is officially…
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Platinum Partner AstraZeneca produced and funded “Sounds of RSV” to support awareness of symptoms

  Our partnership with AstraZeneca is part of the EFCNI’s ongoing dedication to raising awareness amongst parents and healthcare professionals about the symptoms of RSV infection and how it can be prevented. With around 33 million acute lower respiratory infections caused each year, RSV infection is one of the most common causes of early life wheezing illness.[1,2] Babies who are born prematurely or who have underlying health issues such as heart or…
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In 2021, the season of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infections was exceptional in terms of the very early onset and the enormously high numbers of hospitalised children. Thus, the last season showed very clearly: RSV is a major health threat to children under two years of age. In most cases of RSV, children develop only mild, cold-like symptoms. However, a number of children suffer from a severe course of the infection with severe respiratory distress and accompanying symptoms that need…
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The impact of childhood RSV infection on children’s and parents’ quality of life

A Spanish study explored the loss of health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in children younger than two years after a respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection. Results showed an HRQoL loss of 38%, 32% and 9% during the first, second and third week after the diagnosis and a median cost of ~€600 per treated child. This type of socioeconomic evaluation could help prioritise the development of an RSV vaccine. The Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) is a…
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EFCNI Welcomes Platinum Partner AstraZeneca to Raise Awareness of RSV

    With EFCNI’s long standing leadership in preterm infants’ health and well-being, and AstraZeneca’s heritage in the RSV space, this partnership aims to increase awareness and educate parents and healthcare providers about the signs and symptoms of this challenging condition and available preventative options. In celebration of EFCNI’s platinum partnership with AstraZeneca, we had the opportunity to sit down with three leaders from AstraZeneca’s RSV team to ask about their work within the disease area. RSV is a very common,…
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Fachgesellschaften empfehlen vorgezogene RSV-Prophylaxe nach untypischem Fallanstieg von Kindern mit RSV-bedingten Atemwegsinfektionen

Durch COVID-19-Hygienemaßnahmen und Kontaktbeschränkungen wurden bekannte Grippe- und Erkältungskrankheiten im vergangenen Herbst und Winter zurückgedrängt. Nach Lockerungen der Schutz- und Hygieneregeln nehmen nun auch andere Atemwegsinfektionen wieder zu. Ärzte beobachten derzeit besorgt einen für die Jahreszeit untypischen, verfrühten Anstieg an Krankenhausaufnahmen mit einer hohen Belastung der Kinderkliniken durch Atemwegsinfektionen aufgrund des Respiratorischen Synzytial Virus (RSV). Üblicherweise verläuft die RSV-Saison in Deutschland parallel zu anderen Atemwegsinfekten in den Wintermonaten zwischen November und April. Das RSV ist vor allem für Frühgeborene und Kleinkinder gefährlich,…
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