Other content tagged: research

EFCNI shares a parental view on cluster randomised controlled trials in newborn babies

EFCNI has repeatedly expressed concern about the lack of evidence in the treatment of newborn babies and has called for more research in this field. EFCNI is firmly convinced that more clinical trials are needed to develop new, safe and efficient treatments for newborns that are based on hard evidence. However, it is just as important to conduct the trials following high ethical and clinical standards. In a recent article, published in the scientific…
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Neonatal real world data for research purposes – what is the parents’ view?

Real world data (RWD) in medicine is data derived from a number of sources, for instance surveys or focus group interviews that are associated with outcomes in a heterogeneous patient cohort in real-world settings. It is increasingly used for research purposes, yet there is a lack of data about parental views on the use of this data which had been collected in routine practice for research purposes. But…
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