Other content tagged: research

Applying a “living guidelines” approach to keep recommendations up to date

How can the WHO most efficiently keep its global recommendations up to date? BMJ Global Health has recently published the insightful article "Developing and applying a 'living guidelines' approach to WHO recommendations on maternal and perinatal health", describing how the WHO successfully developed and applied a ‘living guidelines’ approach to its maternal and perinatal health (MPH) recommendations, based on a systematic and continuous process of prioritisation and updating. The new dynamic approach uses an evidence-informed, consultative prioritisation process, rapid updating…
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PARCA-R: Screening of cognitive and language delay in preterm born infants

The standardisation on over 6000 infants of the PARCA-R for the screening of cognitive and language delay has just been published in the Lancet Child & Adolescence Health. 6000 infants at the age of 2 were tested in cognitive and language development. PARCA-R stands for Parent Report of Children’s Abilities-Revised. It is a parent completed questionnaire that can be used to assess children's cognitive and language development at 24 months of age. The PARCA-R is used as an outcome measure…
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Preterm babies are less likely to form romantic relationships in adulthood

Adults who were born preterm (under 37 weeks gestation) are less likely to have a romantic relationship, a sexual partner and experience parenthood than those born full term. The meta-analysis by researchers at the University of Warwick with data from up to 4.4 million adult participants showed that those born preterm are 28% less likely to ever be in a romantic relationship. A study of up to 4.4m adult participants has shown that those who were born preterm (under 37…
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Series of RECAP cohorts – part 4: the NTNU Low Birth Weight Life study from Norway

In our  series about cohorts of the EU-funded project „Research on European Children and Adults born Preterm“ (RECAP preterm), we presented the Project Extreme Prematurity (PEP) from Norway. We are thrilled to share a second example from Norway with you, the Low Birth Weight Life study of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). Principal investigator Kari Anne I. Evensen, Associate Professor at the NTNU, told us what this study is all about.  The NTNU Low Birth Weight in…
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Call for projects by the French Foundation for Cerebral palsy

The French Foundation for Cerebral Palsy "Fondation Paralysie Cérébrale", offers grants for research projects on Cerebral palsy and disorders that are associated with it (motor disorders, superior functions, epilepsy, sensory disorders, secondary orthopedic disorders, etc.). This call for proposals will projects with a total budget from €500,000 to €1.5 million for 3 to 5 years. Research that could receive funding may include large-scale projects in the field of clinical research, translational research, public health or social sciences, with the aim…
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How the ESPR seeks to improve medical care and clinical practice in Paediatrics

Within the monthly topic ‘Medical care and clinical practice’ of our campaign 11 Months - 11 Topics, we present you the European Society for Paediatric Research (ESPR), an organisation which has been at the forefront of Paediatric medical care and innovation since 1958. As one of the oldest and most prolific Paediatric research societies in Europe, the ESPR co-organises annual conferences (the joint European Neonatal Societies’ Congress and European Academy of Paediatric Societies’ Congress), supports investigators with research grants, runs a…
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EMA drafts guideline for medicinal products containing genetically modified cells – Feedback wanted!

The European Medicines Agency has released a draft guideline on quality, non-clinical and clinical aspects of medicinal products containing genetically modified cells for public consultation. This guideline aims at defining scientific principles and shall provide guidance for the development and evaluation of medicinal products containing genetically modified cells intended for use in humans and presented for marketing authorisation. The guideline focuses on the quality, nonclinical aspects and safety and efficacy requirements of genetically modified cells developed as medicinal products. Please…
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Standards featured in The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health

The European Standards of Care for Newborn Health and some of the experts who contributed to the development of the standards, are featured in a new publication by The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health on “Family-centred care in the NICU”. The topic of infant- and family-centred developmental care is one of the greatest concerns of the European Foundation for the Care of Newborn Infants (EFCNI) and, as the editors put…
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Series of RECAP cohorts – part 2: the cohorts of the EPICure Studies in the United Kingdom and Ireland

In our new series about cohorts of the EU-funded project „Research on European Children and Adults born Preterm“ (RECAP preterm), we recently reported about the ESTONIA I & II cohorts. We are happy to present you a second example, the cohorts of the EPICure studies in the United Kingdom and Ireland. Find out more in this article by the current team of lead researchers, Professor Neil Marlow, Professor Elizabeth Draper, and Dr Samantha Johnson. “EPICure” is a series of studies…
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Euro-Peristat – more and better data for perinatal health

Euro-Peristat is a European research project that aims to improve perinatal health. The project collaborators and contributing experts developed common tools to assess perinatal health problems and health care in Europe and to monitor changes over time. These data are needed by clinicians, policy makers and parents for evaluating the situation in their countries and for making decisions about the health and healthcare of pregnant women and newborns. Euro-Peristat makes data available in reports, on their website and in scientific…
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