
Other content tagged: RECAP

Meeting of RECAP preterm consortium in Rome

In January, the RECAP preterm consortium (Research on European Children and Adults born Preterm) met in Rome to wrap up and evaluate the project's second working year. 85 professionals from various fields of medical research gathered to discuss the project's milestones and deliverables. The meeting also featured an Early Career Researcher’s workshop and two additional work package sessions. View more about the RECAP preterm project Please note: The RECAP…
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First RECAP preterm-related publication is out – a meta-analysis on the association of preterm birth and adult markers of wealth

RECAP preterm proudly announces that a first research paper is published now in Pediatrics: Bilgin, Mendonca & Wolke performed a metanalysis investigating whether preterm birth and low birth weight are associated with markers of wealth in adulthood. A prospective longitudinal and registry study containing reports on selected wealth-related outcomes in preterm or low-birth-weight-born adults compared with term-born controls was conducted. To compile the database the authors searched Medline, PubMed, PsycINFO, Web of Science, and Embase and could include 23 studies…
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