
Other content tagged: pregnancy

Study reveals Aspirin reduces preterm preeclampsia risk

Aspirin and preterm preeclampsia prevention are critical areas of focus for improving maternal health. Preterm preeclampsia (PE) is a serious condition affecting pregnant women worldwide, with potentially severe consequences for both mother and child. A study in East Asia has revealed that a first-trimester screening strategy, combined with low-dose aspirin, can significantly reduce the risk of preterm PE in high-risk women. Understanding preeclampsia Preeclampsia is a hypertensive multi-system disorder during pregnancy characterised by high…
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Impact of vitamin D deficiency during pregnancy on neonatal outcomes

This meta-analysis examines the impact of vitamin D deficiency in over 28,000 pregnant women. The study found that vitamin D deficiency significantly increased the risk of low birth weight infants (LBWI) but showed no clear link to preterm birth or small-for-gestational-age (SGA) infants. Given the rise of vitamin D deficiency globally, especially in pregnant women, the study emphasises the need for regular monitoring and interventions. Further research with larger samples is recommended to better…
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Strengthening the competence of mothers in the prevention of preterm birth – Development of a new tool to personalise healthcare prevention

Preterm birth is associated with severe short and long-term consequences for the child, including increased morbidity and mortality. Therefore, good preventive strategies are a powerful resource to reduce these adverse outcomes. Preventive behaviours include adequate nutrition, physical activity, good stress management, regular health check-ups, and the ability to identify and act on risk symptoms. Yet every woman is different, has different knowledge and self-efficacy when it comes to nutrition or exercise.…
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Debunking the myths about cannabis use during pregnancy – How cannabis can endanger the unborn child

The use of cannabis has increased over the past decades and with it the need to educate pregnant women about the adverse effects of cannabis use during pregnancy. A cohort study from Spain analysed data from the last 10 years to investigate the exact impact of cannabis use during pregnancy and how women can be encouraged to stop using it when pregnant. The data clearly warns expectant mothers against consuming cannabis, as there is…
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Estimating pregnant women’s’ risk of pre-eclampsia using artificial intelligence – with a focus on expectant mothers around the world

The leading cause of maternal deaths continues to be pre-eclampsia. The disease causes 46,000 maternal deaths annually as well as preterm birth, low birth weight and stillbirths. Although living in a country with a lower gross domestic product increases the risk of pre-eclampsia, pregnant women from these countries are underrepresented in pre-eclampsia research. To address this issue, a new risk prediction model called PIERS-ML was developed, including more than 10,000 women from the…
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Highlighting the power of nutrition: New recommendations on preventing preterm birth through omega-3 fatty acid intake during pregnancy

Preterm birth is difficult to predict and most women who deliver preterm have no prior risk factors. Recent studies now agree that there is a promising, effective, and safe way to prevent preterm birth and especially early preterm birth. The daily intake of omega-3 fatty acids by pregnant women can reduce the risk to deliver preterm by up to 50% whilst being easy to integrate into the daily diet. Omega-3 fatty acids are…
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Evaluating the success of preconception and pregnancy lifestyle interventions in preventing obesity in children: A scoping review protocol

Childhood obesity leads to many health problems and needs to be addressed. However, there are mixed results from lifestyle interventions that target the periods of preconception and pregnancy, motivating researchers within the EndObesity project to develop and present a protocol of a scoping review to clarify discrepancies in the literature. The review will consist of six stages. The authors expect that the results, which will be submitted for publication in a journal, will interest…
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Development and validation of a screening questionnaire for early identification of pregnant women at risk for excessive gestational weight gain

In a significant effort to improve preventive care, a team of researchers developed and validated a screening questionnaire to identify pregnant women at risk for excessive gestational weight gain (GWG). This project, a cooperation between the TU Munich and EFCNI, found some relevant risk factors for GWG, and created a questionnaire to accurately identify people at risk for GWG. Despite the promising results, more research in this area is encouraged. Excessive gestational weight gain (GWG)…
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Docosahexaenoic acid (an omega-3) supplementation during pregnancy to reduce early preterm birth: new findings

Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), provided as a prenatal omega-3 supplement, could reduce early preterm birth (EPB), as a recent study suggests. Researchers conducted a study with 1032 participants in the USA comparing a dose of 1000 mg to the standard prenatal dose of 200 mg of DHA. Results show better outcomes with 1000 mg DHA daily than 200 mg in reducing EPB if participants had low DHA status at enrolment.   Early preterm birth (EPB) is defined…
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Extreme heat exposure as an increased risk for preterm birth and stillbirth – results from two studies

Climate change causes more frequent and extreme heatwaves, resulting in higher temperatures around the world. Several studies have found that extreme heat in pregnancy may lead to adverse birth outcomes. For this purpose, two studies in different settings (one in the United States and one in lower- to middle-income countries) have addressed this issue. Both studies found, that exposure to extreme heat waves is associated with adverse birth outcomes, such as preterm birth. Extreme weather…
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