
Other content tagged: pharmaceuticals

European Commission launches new version of the Union Register on May 3, 2019

The European Commission launched a new version of its Union Register of medicinal products, listing all medicinal products authorised by the Commission, in total over 1,300 medicines. The Union Register was first established in 1995 and, besides medicinal products for human and veterinary use, includes also orphan drugs. The register also informs about refused authorisations or withdrawn requests, and medicines that are authorised only on a national level. In this new version, there are…
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Legislation on medicines for children and rare diseases open for public consulation

An evaluation by the European Commission covers the legislation on medicines for special purposes, in particular medicines for children and medicines to treat rare diseases. The evaluation will assess to which extent the EU legislation is efficient and effective and considers whether it is fit for purpose in the light of developments in the area of pharmaceuticals. It will look in particular in the impact of the incentives introduced for research, development and marketing, for these specific medicines. The public consultation…
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