
Other content tagged: parents

Preterm birth and parent-child relationships: the long-term impact for children and adolescents

The family environment influences the child's social-emotional development. Especially in preterm-born children, these influences seem to be greater than in peers born at term. O'Brien and others studied the relationship between preterm children and their parent-child relationship. The findings show that there is a stronger link between maternal conflict and increased socioemotional difficulties in very preterm children than in children born at term. Preterm birth (<37 weeks of gestation) may lead to many negative…
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The impact of visitation restrictions in the NICU during COVID-19

Covid-19 has a big impact on the care given in Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICUs). The implementation of family centred care has increased in recent years due to many health benefits for the neonates and family, but the Coronavirus pandemic caused hospitals to change their visitation policies. In a study conducted by Murray and Swanson, changes of the visitation rights in the NICUs and the consequences for parents and their newborns are discussed. In order…
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Parents’ satisfaction with follow-up healthcare for their preterm born children and their suggestions for improvement

Follow-up healthcare for very preterm infants is crucial for their development, but the quality of care differs a lot across Europe. As parents of very preterm born children have experienced first-hand the follow-up care for their children, they can provide impactful ideas for improvements and future policies. In a Europe-wide study, the authors collected data from medical records and questionnaires that parents had filled out during the first five years of their preterm born child’s life. This study gathered data…
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Track your preterm baby’s milestones

Baby+ a baby tracking app for premature babies and their parents Baby+, the popular baby tracking apps, is now offering new content particularly targeted at the questions and needs of parents of preterm babies. EFCNI is honoured to have supported the developers of the Baby+ app with 20 articles dedicated to this topic. Parents as well as family members or friends can now inform themselves about a wide range of questions concerning preterm birth via…
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“Impact of Coronavirus/COVID-19 on special/intensive care for newborns – a parents’ perspective”

The worldwide study “Impact of Coronavirus/COVID-19 on special/intensive care for newborns – a parents’ perspective” is unique: It aims at exploring parents’ experiences related to the challenges caused by the current pandemic regarding the care of and access to their newborn baby – voices that are often overheard. The Coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic creates exceptional challenges, especially for the care of the most vulnerable groups of patients – such as sick and preterm born children. It is therefore important to explore parents’…
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New parent organisation in our network – A warm welcome to Preemie Connect

A warm welcome to Preemie Connect, a new parent organisation that joined our network! Preemie connect is founded and run by Tasmin Bota, the mother of a baby born preterm in South Africa. Together with EFCNI’s and GLANCE’s long-term partner the African Foundation for Premature Babies and Neonatal Care (AFPNC) she hosted her first event for World Prematurity Day in 2018 and has been advocating for parental involvement since then. “Hosting that event allowed me to see just how many…
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British Association of Perinatal Medicine’s (BAPM) webinar on prioritising family-integrated Care

Why is it relevant to consider families as primary caregivers of their baby? What are the effects of mother-infant separations and what are the four C’s of closeness? Among others, those were the questions addressed by the webinar of the British Association for Perinatal Medicine (BAPM) – a partner of the FiCare research group.  A set of excellent international speakers gave presentations all under the heading of “Getting to Zero Separation: Prioritising Family Integrated Care for our new normal” and…
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Virtual Education sessions for parents: An interview with Fabiana Bacchini

We interviewed Fabiana Bacchini from the parent organisation Canadian Premature Babies Foundation (CPBF) on their Virtual Education sessions, which include interviews with experts on topics regarding COVID-19 and prematurity, and their new COVIDCare program which offers two free counselling sessions to new parents in need.   Exchanging knowledge and sharing experience are always important but even more so in times of COVID-19. What do you offer to support your parent network in terms of exchange and support…
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NeonaTEL: A call centre for parental support during the COVID-19 pandemic, established by the Romanian parent organisation Unu si Unu

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic parents are in need of special support. They have questions which should be answered on daily basis. EFCNIs partner parent organisation Unu si Unu established a call center to stay in touch with parents and parents-to-be and to help them to stay healthy and close to their children in the time of COVID-19. Corina Croitoru from Asociația Unu si Unu in Romania explained how the Call Center works and what is needed to set it up.…
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If parents were a drug

Parents have a huge impact on stress and pain and thus the wellbeing of their infants during neonatal intensive care. If this effect could be achieved with a drug that has no side-effects, this drug would undoubtedly be standard of care. This drug is not available, while parents usually are. Although neonatal care has made tremendous improvements during the last years, impaired long-term neurodevelopmental outcome is still a major issue in infants that need intensive care treatment. Doctor Atle Moen…
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