
Other content tagged: Norway

Mothers’ experiences of early skin-to-skin contact vs. traditional separation approach after a very preterm birth

Researchers in Norway explored experiences of mothers of very preterm children regarding early skin-to-skin contact vs. a traditional separation approach. Mothers benefited from skin-to-skin contact as it ensured them the vitality of the infant, promoted bonding and gave them an overall positive, emotionally overwhelming experience. In the last decades, contact between mother and child immediately after birth has changed. Nowadays, skin-to-skin contact (SSC) is mostly promoted, which also applies to caesarean sections. According to the…
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Measures against the COVID pandemic did not affect rates of preterm births in three Scandinavian countries

 A study from Denmark, Norway, and Sweden combined data from each country’s birth registry and evaluated whether the rate of preterm births was affected by lockdown measures against the COVID19 pandemic. Some prior studies indicated lower rates, but overall the results were contradictive. The new analysis by Laura Oakley and colleagues incorporated a detailed strategy to account for potential confounders and eventually could not confirm a relationship between COVID-related restriction and preterm birth rates.…
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Series of RECAP cohorts – part 4: the NTNU Low Birth Weight Life study from Norway

In our  series about cohorts of the EU-funded project „Research on European Children and Adults born Preterm“ (RECAP preterm), we presented the Project Extreme Prematurity (PEP) from Norway. We are thrilled to share a second example from Norway with you, the Low Birth Weight Life study of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). Principal investigator Kari Anne I. Evensen, Associate Professor at the NTNU, told us what this study is all about.  The NTNU Low Birth Weight in…
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