Other content tagged: NICU

Standards of Care: How Norway implements high-quality care

Oslo, December 2018 On the occasion of their 30th anniversary, our Norwegian partner parent organisation Prematurforeningen, chaired a seminar at Rikshospitalet, Oslo, as a national follow-up of the launch of the European Standards of Care for Newborn Health and the Call to Action in Brussels, one month earlier. In only a few months, the organisation managed to reach out to well-known national experts from different disciplines to evaluate care procedures in perinatal and neonatal health on national level and prepared…
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How parents can help reduce and manage procedural pain in the NICU

In the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), ill and preterm babies face a number of unpleasant and painful procedures, such as heel sticks to obtain blood samples, attachment and removal of EEG, or an eye examination. There are a number of methods how parents can help to reduce pain and anxiety in their baby, and a recent study from Finland1 examined the different methods, their benefits, and how widely they are practiced. In previous studies, non-pharmacological methods have been shown…
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11 months – 11 topics – lighthouse highlights in 2018

As part of our communication motto "11 months – 11 topics" in 2018, we introduced the concept of lighthouse projects. Every month, we featured one or more lighthouse projects. These are projects realised by members of our network or others active in neonatal care. They can be a source of inspiration, a motivator or a role model for other organisations. We compiled a summary of lighthouse highlights in 2018:  How to implement hygiene measures in a hospital – and foster…
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New translations of position paper on camera systems in the NICU available

The position paper Camera systems for live streaming in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) is now available in English, Spanish, and Hungarian. It is based on the results of a project roundtable with well-known clinical experts from hospitals in Germany and Austria, organised by EFCNI. View more and download the position paper
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Lighthouse project in NICU design: the new Parents, Baby and Family Centre at the Children’s Hospital Dritter Orden Passau, Germany

After five years of intensive planning and construction work, last year the Dritter Orden Clinic in Passau, South Germany,  celebrated the opening of its new Parents-Baby-and Family centre. Realising this lighthouse project in the field of NICU design was a task that brought varied specialists from many different subjects like medical engineers, architects and interior designers as well as medical staff, together in order to make this intensive care unit a place that meets the needs of both the small…
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An interior planner‘s view on the new Parents, Baby, and Family Centre in the Children’s Hospital Dritter Orden Passau

An interview with interior planner Sigrid Stjerneby As an interior architect, which special requirements did you face in this project? I would like to point out that I am not an interior architect in a classical sense. I have a background in free arts, I am a painter and sculptor and 25 years ago I founded a planning office together with my husband because we do not understand art within architecture (so called „Kunst am Bau“) as some kind of decoration,…
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An architect‘s view on the new Parents, Baby, and Family Centre in the Children’s Hospital Dritter Orden Passau

An interview with Roland Schuster from g|s architects in Büchlberg, Germany Which special challenges did you meet as the architect of this project? The Parents, Baby, and Family Centre (Eltern-, Baby- und Familienzentrum, abbreviated as EBZ) in the Children’s Hospital Dritter Orden Passau was destined to be a very special project from the very beginning. Making it happen required assembling a planning team, which would be willing to embark on this adventure. With the starting point being the defined processes…
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A chief physician’s view on the new Parent, Baby, and Family Centre in the Children’s Hospital Dritter Orden Passau

A guest article by Professor Matthias Keller, head physician and clinical manager of the children’s hospital Dritter Orden Passau The idea: Arranging intensive care and cosiness, so that families can authentically be families! The core concept and intention are obvious: This is a matter of optimally supporting the development of preterm and ill born babies, to improve their life chances. “Our aspiration is care and medicine on a peak level, so that ill and preterm born babies develop in a proper…
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Lighthouse Project: NICU Design at Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago

A guest article by Vita Lerman, Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago, USA Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago is a state-of-the-art, 22-floor facility that opened in 2012 on the campus of the hospital’s academic partner Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine. It was built to replace the previous facility (called Children’s Memorial Hospital), providing expanded capacity and innovative, child-friendly design that promotes healing. During every stage of the planning process, project leaders met with the…
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