
Other content tagged: newborn health

Experiences on delivery and breastfeeding practices in Beijing, China during Covid-19

A Chinese study compared women’s experiences who delivered before and during the lockdown regarding feeding practices and childbearing. Interestingly, breastfeeding was seemingly positively influenced by the lockdown, the study from Beijing shows. The COVID-19 pandemic had a tremendous impact on all aspects of life, including pregnant and delivering women and their families. Despite the severity of the virus, the WHO recommended breastfeeding during the pandemic, when taking suitable precautions, as human milk is the optimal…
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Warm welcome to Janssen as Premium Partner of EFCNI

We are excited to announce that Janssen has become a Premium Partner of EFCNI, with the common goal to improve the care for newborns and their parents worldwide! A few words from this new partner: At Janssen, we’re creating a future where disease is a thing of the past. We’re the Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson & Johnson, working tirelessly to make that future a reality for patients everywhere by fighting sickness with science, improving access with ingenuity, and healing hopelessness with…
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Promoting good practice in newborn temperature regulation: Dr. Alok Sharma’s story

Prelude The mother was in preterm labour and the baby was about to be born at 24 weeks. As a consultant neonatologist at Southampton University Hospital, this was not an unusual situation for Dr. Alok Sharma. What was perhaps unusual at the time was how Alok was preparing to deal with this preterm birth. Normally babies born at this gestational age are intubated and ventilated immediately but this time, Alok wanted to avoid this. He had noticed time and again…
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Impfungen in der Schwangerschaft schützen Mutter und Kind vor Infektionskrankheiten

Die Übersichtsarbeit von Röbl-Mathieu et al. untersucht in einer selektiven Literaturrecherche und unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der aktuellen Empfehlungen der Ständigen Impfkommission (STIKO), wie Impfungen bei Schwangeren, Ungeborenen und Neugeborenen Infektionskrankheiten verhindern können. Sie kommt zu dem Schluss, dass Impfungen ein zentraler Bestandteil der Vor- und Nachsorge bei Schwangerschaft und Geburt sind und sowohl die Schwangere als auch das Ungeborene bzw. Neugeborene vor Infektionskrankheiten schützen können. Beispielhaft wird die Sachlage bei Tetanus, Influenza, Pertussis und Hepatitis B analysiert. Damit eine Schwangerschaft…
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Vaccines during pregnancy protect mother and baby from infectious diseases

A selective literature survey by Röbl-Mathieu et al. discusses how vaccines can prevent infectious diseases in pregnant women as well as in unborn and newborn babies. The authors conclude that vaccines are a central element in ante- and postnatal care since they protect the pregnant woman as well as her baby both before and after birth from infectious diseases. To illustrate their argument, Röbl-Mathieu et al. refer to the current vaccination guidelines for tetanus, influenza, pertussis, and hepatitis B for…
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New international study on skin care practices in extremely preterm infants – participants requested

EFCNI is glad to support this survey from the University of Sydney that aims to investigate geographical variation in skin management practices in preterm infants born ≤ 27 weeks of gestation. The University of Sydney therefore requests nurses and doctors to participate in this global, ethically approved research study. This will provide a great opportunity for increasing knowledge and improving skin management practices for extremely preterm babies. To participate, a nurse or…
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Every Newborn – an action plan to end preventable deaths

On 3 September, the Every Newborn Action Plan (ENAP), a comprehensive, multi-partner initiative, launched its roadmap with their  new 2020-2025 targets to end preventable stillbirths and newborn deaths in a digital live event. With this plan, they call on all stakeholders to take action to improve access to services and the quality of care for all pregnant women and newborns. ENAP was endorsed by 194 countries at the World Health Assembly in 2014 an developed…
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British Association of Perinatal Medicine’s (BAPM) webinar on prioritising family-integrated Care

Why is it relevant to consider families as primary caregivers of their baby? What are the effects of mother-infant separations and what are the four C’s of closeness? Among others, those were the questions addressed by the webinar of the British Association for Perinatal Medicine (BAPM) – a partner of the FiCare research group.  A set of excellent international speakers gave presentations all under the heading of “Getting to Zero Separation: Prioritising Family Integrated Care for our new normal” and…
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Launch of Preterm and Hospitalized Newborn Health Standard Set (NEO-SS)

The International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement (ICHOM) has just launched their Preterm and Hospitalized Newborn Health Standard Set which is now ready for implementation! We are thrilled and feel honoured that EFCNI could contribute to this great, outstanding project as Patient Advisor and NEO Working Group member. Health professionals, patient advisors, and recognised leaders from across Europe, Africa, the Americas, Asia and Australia have joined forces to establish and launch this global set…
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Survive and Thrive: Transforming Care for Small and Sick Newborns

The webinar series “Survive and thrive: transforming care for small and sick newborns” by the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) has now come to an end. For the past four months, leading experts on neonatal health gave a detailed insight into the findings collected in the report, and shared country experiences in improving quality of care for newborns and introduced WHO’s new standards of care for small and sick newborns. On May 6, EFCNI…
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