
Other content tagged: newborn care

New parent organisation aboard – Welcome, “EDEN Foundation”, to the EFCNI network!

We are happy to welcome a new parent organisation as partner and friend to our network: The “EDEN Foundation” from Nigeria! The “EDEN Foundation” is a registered non-profit, non-governmental organisation and was established in 2019. Founder Kobi Ajayi went through pregnancy loss as well as a preterm birth herself and had to learn how to cope with the physical and psychological tolls of these experiences. Realising that she was not…
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“Impact of Coronavirus/COVID-19 on special/intensive care for newborns – a parents’ perspective”

The worldwide study “Impact of Coronavirus/COVID-19 on special/intensive care for newborns – a parents’ perspective” is unique: It aims at exploring parents’ experiences related to the challenges caused by the current pandemic regarding the care of and access to their newborn baby – voices that are often overheard. The Coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic creates exceptional challenges, especially for the care of the most vulnerable groups of patients – such as sick and preterm born children. It is therefore important to explore parents’…
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