Other content tagged: neurobehaviour

Counteracting the challenging Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) environment: The SENSE programme provides a neurobehavioral approach

A stay in the NICU is a challenging experience for both parents and their hospitalised infants. The adverse environment can have a negative impact on the neonate’s neurological development as well as the parents’ mental health. One solution aimed at counteracting these negative effects is to improve the sensory experience in the NICU. The SENSE programme can be implemented in any NICU and provides guidance for healthcare professionals and parents to enable better care…
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Impact of a sensory-based intervention in the NICU on parents and their preterm born babies

35 families received the Supporting and Enhancing Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) Sensory Experiences (SENSE) programme-based intervention. The preterm born babies (≤ 32 weeks of pregnancy) experienced sensory exposures like human touch or massage on each day of their NICU hospitalisation. The main aim of the study was to find out whether it makes a difference who is performing (parents vs. volunteers/professionals) the sensory activity regarding the babies' neurobehaviour and parental mental health. In the…
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