Other content tagged: neonatology

EFCNI auf der GNPI (2024)

EFCNI auf der GNPI Heimspiel in München bei der 50. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Neonatologie und Pädiatrische Intensivmedizin (GNPI) mit einem bunten und breit gefächerten Programm (see English article below) Tag 1 Ein Highlight des erstes Tag war die Session zu „Baulichen Benefits in der Neo für Patient:innen und Teams“, deren Vorsitz Silke Mader, EFCNI-Gründerin und Vorsitzende, und Barbara Mitschdörfer vom Bundesverband das frühgeborene Kind e.V. hatten. Den Auftakt machte Barbara Mitschdörfer vom…
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Neonatal care through the ages: The impressive journey of infant and family-centred developmental care in Denmark

A guest article by Sarah Fügenschuh When we imagine modern neonatal care, in industrialised nations in particular, we might think of Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICUs) equipped with state-of-the-art technical and medical appliances, the involvement of parents in the care of their hospitalised child, Kangaroo Mother Care, patient-centred treatment and follow-up care, and a relationship between healthcare professionals and parents at eye level. If one were to imagine a NICU in Denmark to be like this, one would not be…
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9th International Conference on Human Milk Science and Innovation (ICHMSI) in Lisbon

This year's ICHMSI featured international sessions on the latest findings in human milk, as well as first-hand experiences from mothers of preterm babies. EFCNI is proud to have once again partnered with the conference, which took place in Lisbon, Portugal, and online from 1–2 February. It was a great event with memorable talks and meeting familiar faces as well as new ones. Renowned scientists from around the world presented their research-based views on why and how human milk can benefit…
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EFCNI at the 48th annual conference of the Society for Neonatology and Pediatric Intensive Care Medicine

After a digital event last year, the 48th annual conference of the Society for Neonatology and Pediatric Intensive Care Medicine (Gesellschaft für Neonatologie und Pädiatrische Intensivmedizin - GNPI) took place on-site again in Aachen, Germany. EFCNI had the pleasure to be involved in the diverse congress programme. Together with the Bundesverband das Frühgeborene Kind e.V., EFCNI chaired a sessions on family-centred care and optimal nutrition of hospitalised newborns. In addition to nutritional problems and guidelines in feeding preterm babies, Professor…
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Non‐evidence‐based beliefs increase inequalities in the provision of infant‐ and family‐centred neonatal care

Many hospitals in the world still do not recognise the importance and benefits of family-centred care. This hinders parents to engage in potentially life-saving care procedures, like kangaroo mother care or breastfeeding. In a scientific study, Mendizabal-Espinosa and Warren identified obstacles regarding the implementation of family-centred care in neonatal intensive care units (NICU) of two publicly funded hospitals in Mexico. Data was gathered during a 10-month time period, by observing 29 parents (21 mothers…
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All things neonatal: professionals and parent representatives debate neonatal care in Hungary

A guest article by Livia Nagy The 17th Congress of the Hungarian Perinatology Society was organized in Siófok, Hungary by the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology and the newly-founded Department Group of Neonatology at Semmelweis University. On the first day of the conference, numerous insightful high-quality presentations were shown to the audience. The presentation by Anikó Kussinszky (Office of the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights, Head of Department of Equal Opportunities and Children's Rights) was certainly a highlight in the session…
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Evidence and Excellence in Perinatal Care – BAPM and EBNEO Conference 2019 in Newcastle

The British Association of Perinatal Medicine (BAPM) Annual Conference and Scientific Meeting, in partnership with Evidence-Based Neonatology (EBNEO), took place in Newcastle from 11-13 September 2019. Silke Mader presented in a very insightful way the European parent perspective drawing from experience. The Chairwoman of EFCNI pointed out the differences and inequalities in newborn care in European countries and referred to the long term consequences of…
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