
Other content tagged: milk banks

Reviewing best practices for human milk banks: Urgent need for international milk bank guidelines

As the number of human milk banks grows globally, the lack of international standards becomes increasingly apparent. Donated human milk is provided to the most vulnerable sick and preterm infants in order to reduce their mortality. However, this comes with a responsibility to ensure the safe and hygienic handling of milk. A systematic review analysed the best practices for each step of the milk donation process using eight country guidelines and three organisation guidelines.…
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EFCNI at the annual meeting of the GNPI

The 44th annual meeting of the GNPI (Society for Neonatology and Pediatric Intensive Care Medicine) took place from 7 – 9 June 2018 in Rostock, Germany. About 1,300 experts were on site and informed about the latest scientific findings with the goal to strengthen interdisciplinary collaboration. Chairwoman of EFCNI Silke Mader and Vice Chair Nicole Thiele took the chance to introduce current projects of the foundation: Silke Mader and Nicole Thiele together with Dr Mike Possner…
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