
Other content tagged: HELLP syndrome

Guest article by Sandra Walther: Pre-eclampsia experience of an affected mother

Die deutsche Fassung finden Sie hier Unfortunately, until today, only very few women know enough about the dangerous pregnancy complication of pre-eclampsia, especially how and when they should act. Almost every woman knows someone who has experienced pre-eclampsia, but too little is said about the effects of this complication, the symptoms and the importance of not being afraid to consult a healthcare professional. Expectant mothers are not informed enough about the possible long-term health consequences. Medical professionals would also have…
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Against all odds

An interview with Gert van Steenbrugge and his preterm born daughter Anja In 1989, Gert van Steenbrugge became father of Anja. Due to the HELLP syndrome her mother developed, Anja was born by cesarean section at 26 weeks of gestation, weighing 800 gr. More than 20 years later, she successfully completed her vocational education and now she works for a well-known restaurant in Voorburg. EFCNI had the chance to ask them some questions about their experiences with the challenges of…
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