
Other content tagged: global

GLANCE – Global Alliance For Newborn Care

The new project website is now online On the occasion of World Prematurity Day, the website of our latest global project GLANCE, which was launched in January 2019, went online! Learn all you want to know about this project, its history, its vision and mission and get to know the founding and the committee members on www.glance-network.org  There you will also find contact details and further information if you would like to join GLANCE. GLANCE stands for Global Alliance for…
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World Prematurity Day 2019: Global claim out now

On 17 November, we will once more unite for World Prematurity Day. For the third time, the global community will celebrate jointly along with the common motto: Born too Soon: Providing the right care, at the right time, in the right place. We warmly invite you to share this year’s global claim and join this worldwide campaign.  This year, we will highlight the importance to ensure high-quality care for every baby, to provide nurturing care for the best start in…
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GLANCE – 1st Founding Committee Meeting

In January, EFCNI announced the founding of GLANCE, the Global Alliance for Newborn Care on the annual Parent Organisations Meeting.  After thorough planning and preparations, the first GLANCE Founding Committee Meeting took place in Munich. 14 international parent representatives from Europe, Turkey, Africa, Australia, the United States, Canada and Mexico as well as four EFCNI members, had been working hard in a two days meeting to make progress in structural and organisational regards, settling for areas of activities and deciding…
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Standards of Care for Small and Sick Newborns Report: EFCNI participates in WHO meeting

To benefit from expert input in order to finalise the report on Transforming Care for Every Small and Sick Newborn, the World Health Organization (WHO) has hosted a three-day technical meeting in April on Standards of Care for Small and Sick Newborns in Geneva, Switzerland.  One crucial objective of the meeting was to take neonatal nursing, nurturing care and human rights as they apply to newborn care into consideration. We are thrilled that EFCNI had been invited to participate in…
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