
Other content tagged: follow-up

New series on cohorts of the Research on European Children and Adults born Preterm (RECAP preterm) project

Our new series presents the cohorts of the EU-funded project „Research on European Children and Adults born Preterm“ (RECAP preterm), which aims at contributing to a better understanding on the long-term effects of preterm birth and thus to an improvement of the follow-up of these children. A research cohort is a group of people who share a defining characteristic, e.g. in the case of RECAP preterm, the cohorts consist of children (and later adults) born very preterm or with very…
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Final SHIPS project members meeting in Rome

At the end of January, all members of the SHIPS project – Screening to Improve Health in Very Preterm Infants in Europe (SHIPS) – met in Rome, Italy, for the last two-day meeting. The project – originally planned to end in August 2018 – had been extended until the end of January 2019. SHIPS has finished data collection and the results are about to accede, first analyses…
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“Tiny miracles” – the first Family Centre in Sofia

A guest article by Petya Bankova from the organisation Our Premature Children Since 2012, the “Our premature children” Foundation actively supports preterm born babies and their parents through community building, spreading of information about preterm birth and related topics, improving the conditions in which babies are cared for in the NICU and building up close collaboration with professionals to advance neonatal care and practices. The Foundation is an active advocate for the cause of preterm birth and works together with the…
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Against all odds

An interview with Gert van Steenbrugge and his preterm born daughter Anja In 1989, Gert van Steenbrugge became father of Anja. Due to the HELLP syndrome her mother developed, Anja was born by cesarean section at 26 weeks of gestation, weighing 800 gr. More than 20 years later, she successfully completed her vocational education and now she works for a well-known restaurant in Voorburg. EFCNI had the chance to ask them some questions about their experiences with the challenges of…
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