
Other content tagged: EU projects

Proposal for EU regulation on substances of human origin OUT NOW!

The European Commission has published a proposal for a regulation on substances of human origin – including human milk. EFCNI welcomes the proposal for a regulation on substances of human origin – including human milk – which has the potential to bring important improvements for vulnerable infants in need of donor human milk. In case this proposal gets adopted by the European Parliament and the Council, the regulation will replace the Tissues and Cells…
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Series of RECAP cohorts – part 3: the Project Extreme Prematurity (PEP) from Norway

We are delighted to present you a third example of our series about cohorts of the EU-funded project „Research on European Children and Adults born Preterm“ (RECAP preterm): the Project Extreme Prematurity (PEP) from Norway. Find out more in this article by the researchers Maria Vollsæter, Thomas Halvorsen, and Trond Markestad.  The purpose of Project Extreme Prematurity (PEP) is to study short and long-term health and well-being in children born extremely prematurely. Survival after preterm birth is now the rule…
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Final SHIPS project members meeting in Rome

At the end of January, all members of the SHIPS project – Screening to Improve Health in Very Preterm Infants in Europe (SHIPS) – met in Rome, Italy, for the last two-day meeting. The project – originally planned to end in August 2018 – had been extended until the end of January 2019. SHIPS has finished data collection and the results are about to accede, first analyses…
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