
Other content tagged: covid-19

Health-related quality of life among Ethiopian pregnant women during COVID-19 pandemic

Several studies revealed that the COVID-19 pandemic has increased stress, anxiety and symptoms of depression. Additionally, previous studies have shown that social support during pregnancy has a positive impact on the mental health of women in general. Since the changes during the pandemic have also caused social distancing, this may have created a negative effect on pregnant women’s well-being. The study by Dule et al. investigated the health-related quality of life of pregnant women…
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Global analysis of neonatal care during the COVID-19 pandemic – a healthcare providers’ perspective

With COVID-19 disrupting neonatal health systems globally, a group of experts undertook a thematic analysis of healthcare providers’ experiences using a disseminated online survey. Results show high levels of stress on healthcare providers, disruption of newborn care practices, and lack of guidelines regarding preterm newborns and babies with low birthweight (LBW) during the pandemic. There is an urgent need to protect life-saving interventions. The implementation of the Every Newborn Action Plan in 2014 by…
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Preterm care during COVID-19 and the survival benefit of kangaroo mother care

Given the disruption of neonatal health services through the COVID-19 pandemic, a two-scenarios-analysis was conducted to weigh the risk of not implementing kangaroo mother care (KMC) among neonates with neonatal deaths from COVID-19. The undeniable survival benefit of KMC far outweighs the small risk of death due to the virus and encourage its practice. There are conflicting global guidelines on mother-newborn care during the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly regarding kangaroo mother care…
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Neonatal Nurses Association (NNA) gathers high-level experts on virtual conference

As the pandemic continues and conferences and workshops are still being held digitally the Neonatal Nurses Associations pulled off a virtual conference with a great line up of sessions and speakers. Under the motto "Embracing Change", the event focused on the many contemporary tasks and challenges in newborn care, of which some have been significantly intensified by the pandemic. EFCNI Chairwoman Silke Mader also had the opportunity to share the parents' perspective on neonatal health and care procedures. Moreover, in…
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Generational effects of COVID-19: Elevated anxiety during pregnancy has negative impact on infants

A self-report questionnaire in pregnant women in Alberta reveals that stress resulting from specific concerns about COVID-19 exceeds expected levels and is higher than that experienced by other groups of people. Social support and physical activity appeared as potential protective factors. The global COVID-19 pandemic has provided a platform to study the impact of severe disease outbreak and subsequent quarantine on mental health issues. Since these issues are heightened in…
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The impact of visitation restrictions in the NICU during COVID-19

Covid-19 has a big impact on the care given in Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICUs). The implementation of family centred care has increased in recent years due to many health benefits for the neonates and family, but the Coronavirus pandemic caused hospitals to change their visitation policies. In a study conducted by Murray and Swanson, changes of the visitation rights in the NICUs and the consequences for parents and their newborns are discussed. In order…
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Prevention of Coronavirus transmission from mothers to newborns while breastfeeding and engaging in skin-to-skin contact

So far, there is insufficient knowledge about COVID-19 spreading to newborns from their mothers who tested positive for the virus at the time of the birth. A new study suggests that hygiene precautions can protect neonates from contracting the virus during breastfeeding and skin-to-skin contact with the mother. Salvatore and colleagues conducted a study with women who tested positive for COVID-19 at the time of the birth of their child. In total, 82 infants born at three New York hospitals…
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“Stay close to your parents” – how a German association supports parents of preterm babies in times of pandemic

The association "Das frühgeborene Kind" e.V. with its nationwide network of self-help initiatives and counselling centres for families with preterm born infants is a contact and placement centre in Germany for all who need help and information regarding preterm births. In an interview with EFCNI Katrin Eglin, spokeswoman of "Das frühgeborene Kind" e.V., explains how the association is involved in the times of COVID-19 Mrs Eglin, exchanging knowledge and sharing experience are always important but even more so in times…
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World Breastfeeding Week: great commitment from the preterm birth community

For six years, EFCNI has been actively supporting and participating in World Breastfeeding Week with its own awareness initiatives. This year's slogan "Support breastfeeding for a healthier planet", also put environmental aspects which affect our babies' health and future, on the agenda. EFCNI strongly supports breastfeeding and wants to do its part to increase the number of newborns that benefit from breastmilk. At the same time, it is also crucial to represent and support the most vulnerable group of newborns:…
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Providing a Family Support Service during Coronavirus

A guest article by Alison Mc Nulty, Chief Executive Officer, Tinylife, Northern Ireland Every year in Northern Ireland 2000 babies are born too soon, too sick or too small spending anything from a few days, weeks or even months in one of the 7 neonatal units across the country. In 1988 Northern Ireland had the highest levels of baby mortality and morbidity across the developed world, so a group of parents and health…
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