Other content tagged: covid-19
Safety unveiled: COVID-19 vaccination in pregnancy and the reassuring truth about its impact on the risk of preterm birth
Amid the uncertainties of the Covid-19 pandemic, concerns about the safety and efficacy of vaccination during pregnancy, specifically in relation to preterm birth, took centre stage. A systematic review comprising six studies with more than 35,000 patients from diverse geographical locations aims to shed light on the safety of Covid-19 vaccination during pregnancy. The analysis reveals no significant increase in the risk of preterm birth after vaccination. These…
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Know the facts in a world full of infectious respiratory viruses
Explore our corporate partner AstraZeneca's new one-stop web resource for respiratory virus knowledge and try the symptom comparator right away. It's that time of year again when coughs and colds are ubiquitous. But is it possible to have several respiratory diseases at the same time? Indeed, this phenomenon is known as coinfection although it is relatively rare due to the competition between the viruses during infection.[1-3] While infrequent, the consequences of coinfection may…
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Experiences on delivery and breastfeeding practices in Beijing, China during Covid-19
A Chinese study compared women’s experiences who delivered before and during the lockdown regarding feeding practices and childbearing. Interestingly, breastfeeding was seemingly positively influenced by the lockdown, the study from Beijing shows. The COVID-19 pandemic had a tremendous impact on all aspects of life, including pregnant and delivering women and their families. Despite the severity of the virus, the WHO recommended breastfeeding during the pandemic, when taking suitable precautions, as human milk is the optimal…
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Maternal stress, depression, and attachment in the NICU, before and during the COVID pandemic
A study from the University of Geneva analysed the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on mothers’ postnatal depression, stress, and their attachment process with the baby. The results showed a trend of increased depression and stress symptoms in mothers during COVID-19, which also challenged the attachment process. Higher levels of depression and anxiety are believed to be part of women's birthing and post-partum experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic. Additionally, if a preterm baby requires hospitalisation, the mother faces not only…
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Measures against the COVID pandemic did not affect rates of preterm births in three Scandinavian countries
A study from Denmark, Norway, and Sweden combined data from each country’s birth registry and evaluated whether the rate of preterm births was affected by lockdown measures against the COVID19 pandemic. Some prior studies indicated lower rates, but overall the results were contradictive. The new analysis by Laura Oakley and colleagues incorporated a detailed strategy to account for potential confounders and eventually could not confirm a relationship between COVID-related restriction and preterm birth rates.…
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Maintaining human milk bank services throughout the COVID-19 pandemic
Human Milk Bank (HMB) services have been impacted by the global COVID-19 pandemic. To better understand the impact, a Virtual Communication Network (VCN) was formed to collect data and experiences from HMBs across 35 countries. Every year approx. 800,000 infants receive donor human milk (DHM) worldwide. However, seven pandemic-related vulnerabilities to HMB service provision were identified. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends donor human milk from milk banks (HMB) as the next best…
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Characteristics and outcomes of neonatal SARS-CoV-2 infection in the UK
There is concern that neonates might contract infections more easily, but data on the infection rate of SARS-CoV-2 in babies is limited. To gain more insights, researchers in the UK analysed incidence, transmission and severity of SARS-CoV-2 cases in newborn babies receiving hospital care. Due to the lack of data about how the virus spreads to newborns and how it affects them, guidelines for the management of babies at risk have varied. However, the…
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Fachgesellschaften empfehlen vorgezogene RSV-Prophylaxe nach untypischem Fallanstieg von Kindern mit RSV-bedingten Atemwegsinfektionen
Durch COVID-19-Hygienemaßnahmen und Kontaktbeschränkungen wurden bekannte Grippe- und Erkältungskrankheiten im vergangenen Herbst und Winter zurückgedrängt. Nach Lockerungen der Schutz- und Hygieneregeln nehmen nun auch andere Atemwegsinfektionen wieder zu. Ärzte beobachten derzeit besorgt einen für die Jahreszeit untypischen, verfrühten Anstieg an Krankenhausaufnahmen mit einer hohen Belastung der Kinderkliniken durch Atemwegsinfektionen aufgrund des Respiratorischen Synzytial Virus (RSV). Üblicherweise verläuft die RSV-Saison in Deutschland parallel zu anderen Atemwegsinfekten in den Wintermonaten zwischen November und April. Das RSV ist vor allem für Frühgeborene und Kleinkinder gefährlich,…
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