
Other content tagged: cohort

Extreme heat may increase the risk of premature birth

Exposure to extreme heat waves during the last week of gestation might cause premature birth defined as birth before 37 weeks of gestation. A cohort study in California with 1,967,300 mothers showed consistent results with higher numbers of preterm birth in women who experienced an extreme heat episode in the week prior to labor. The publication „Extreme heat episodes and risk of preterm birth in California, 2005-2013“ describes a large population-based cohort study, in…
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RECAP preterm: the ACTION cohort

The main idea behind the Italian ACTION (ACcess To Intensive Obstetrical and Neonatal care) follow-up project was to assess the outcomes of every very preterm birth occurring in a given geographical area, as opposed to those cared for in maternities and NICUs of tertiary hospitals only, and to identify factors that could explain such outcomes and suggest possible strategies for improvement. Thus, the initial cohort recruitment in 2003-05 and collection of perinatal data up…
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New study HAPP-e is looking for participants from all over the world

Studying the health of adults born preterm is the aim of the EU-funded study HAPP-e, which has been recently launched. Focus point of HAPP-e is an electronic cohort. Researchers will follow a group of adults born preterm over a longer period of time and study the participant’s health and life conditions.  Both recruitment and follow-up of will entirely be performed using digital tools, such as a web-platform. This makes the study…
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Series of RECAP cohorts – part 6: Follow-up of the POPS cohort in the Netherlands

Dr Sylvia van der Pal & Professor Erik Verrips In 1983, a unique nationwide cohort of 1.338 very preterm (below 32 weeks of gestation) or VLBW (birth weight below 1500 g) infants in the Netherlands was collected and followed at several ages; the POPS (Project On Preterm and Small for gestational age infants) cohort. The studies with the POPS cohort have provided insight into how Dutch adolescents who were born very preterm or VLBW reach adulthood. …
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Series of RECAP cohorts – part 2: the cohorts of the EPICure Studies in the United Kingdom and Ireland

In our new series about cohorts of the EU-funded project „Research on European Children and Adults born Preterm“ (RECAP preterm), we recently reported about the ESTONIA I & II cohorts. We are happy to present you a second example, the cohorts of the EPICure studies in the United Kingdom and Ireland. Find out more in this article by the current team of lead researchers, Professor Neil Marlow, Professor Elizabeth Draper, and Dr Samantha Johnson. “EPICure” is a series of studies…
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