
Other content tagged: clinical practice

Predicting the neurodevelopment of preterm born children: Is a low Apgar score associated with impaired development?

The Apgar score is a tool to quickly evaluate a newborn’s health status right after birth. It helps healthcare professionals to quickly make treatment decicions for the infant only minutes after birth.  It is an important tool for determining neonatal health because a low Apgar score is associated with higher mortality and morbidity. A study conducted by the EPICE-SHIPS research group examined nearly 1,000 preterm born children at age five to find out…
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EFCNI involved in new study on blood transfusions in preterm babies

Most preterm babies admitted to a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) receive blood transfusions. Some neonates, however, receive blood transfusions even though these transfusions may not be necessary, cause side effects or even harm. Therefore, the International Neonatal tranSfusion PoInt pREvalence study (INSPIRE) aims to describe the current state and indications for blood transfusions among preterm babies in Europe. Although most preterm babies receive blood transfusions in the NICU, there are no international guidelines that have…
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