
Other content tagged: charity

Spenden statt Geschenke

Europaabgeordnete Angelika Niebler unterstützt SAVE-Projekt am LMU Klinikum (see English translation below) „Geben ist seliger denn Nehmen“ – so kann man die großzügige und großherzige Tat überschreiben, die der Neonatologie…
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Happy anniversary TinyLife! Our Northern Irish partner organisation turned 30

„We may be Tiny but we aim to make a big impression“ Our heartfelt congrats to TinyLife, our partner organisation from Northern Ireland, for 30 years of committed and sustainable support for preterm babies and their families. Since 1988, TinyLife has been dedicated to reducing preterm birth, illness, disability and death in babies born in Northern Ireland. The charity was founded as NIMBA (Northern Ireland Mother & Baby Appeal), back then, they were the only charity for preterm and vulnerable…
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