
Other content tagged: brain development

Visual function in preterm infants: Can early interventions help to improve visual function?

The environment and the procedures at the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) can be stressful for preterm infants. Thus, brain development might be decelerated, increasing the possibility for visual impairments. However, the clinical trial by Italian researchers has shown that early interventions by parents can have a positive effect on visual functions. Previous research suggests that multisensory stimulation, especially infant massages, can help with brain development and visual maturation in preterm infants. The randomized…
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Professor Dieter Wolke wins award for Distinguished Contributions to British Developmental Psychology

Professor Dieter Wolke from the University of Warwick  receives the award for Distinguished Contributions to British Developmental Psychology. With his work Professor Wolke is doing invaluable research on how preterm birth affects brain and psychological long-term development and consequently, the quality of life of preterms. After the announcement Professor Wolke commented: “I am very delighted that I am the 2020 Distinguished Contribution to British Developmental Psychology Award winner. I have to thank my…
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