
Other content tagged: apps

PICAPP – An app to support the development of preterm babies

Guest article by Livia Nagy, founder of “Right(s) beside you Association” (“Melletted a helyem Egyesület”) One in 11 newborns in Hungary is born preterm. Families are caught unprepared facing preterm birth and one of the main objectives of the “Right(s) beside you Association” (“Melletted a helyem Egyesület”) is to support parents in this unexpected life situation from the very beginning in the NICU. Lack of information but also fears from inappropriate internet materials further complicate the situation for parents. The…
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Expecting or new preemie parents? These apps are for you

A pregnancy and baby tracking app packed with content around preterm birth Tracking your own pregnancy and the development of your baby is exciting. For some years now, apps have intensified this experience, telling you how much your baby has grown, which organs are currently developing and even providing 3D images of what your baby could look like! However, for women whose pregnancy is different from the norm (for example due to complications…
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