
Survive and Thrive: WHO report on transforming care for newborns is now available

After a thorough researching, writing and editing process, the report “Survive and Thrive; Transforming care for small and sick newborns” has finally been launched and published!

Last December, the Key Findings were already presented and at the World Health Assembly in May this year apanel discussion was held to talk about pressing issues in newborn care, the report presented. 94 experts from 16 countries have been working on this document and we are honoured and thrilled that EFCNI, together with supporters from partnering parent organisations like Charlotte Bouvard Sos Préma, Ilein Bolaños Gonzalez from Con Amor Venceras, Selina Bentoom from African Foundation for Premature Babies & Neonatal Care – AFPNC or Livia Nagy from Melletted a helyem Egyesület, could actively contribute. Also, the European Standards of Care for Newborn Health have been used as a reference. At the jENS Congress in Maastricht, Ornella Lincetto (WHO) presented the important document. This is a milestone in medical experts and parents working together to make an impact on newborns lives worldwide!

Click here to read the full report: bit.ly/2kIpWof