
Recorded video of LSHTM-Charité Global Health Lecture is out now!

On World Prematurity Day EFCNI chairwoman Silke Mader gave a presentation at the Global Health Lecture of LSHTM-Charité  – a lecture focusing on the effects of COVID19 on deliveries and neonatal health worldwide.

© Global Health Lecture Berlin

What an inspiring event and exceptional work!

Join the recorded LSHTM-Charité Global Health Lecture to hear the latest on preterm births during  the pandemic  and what we can do to mitigate harm! The recorded video of the Global Health Lecture of LSHTM-Charité is now here available: https://bit.ly/pretermeventvideo

EFCNI would like to thank all speakers for sharing their knowledge and experience and for the fruitful discussion during the panel, the organisers, and LSHTM Berlin for hosting the event.

Moreover, we would like to give our thanks to Professor Joy Lawn for her insightful presentation on the prevention, protection and promotion of progress of preterm birth in a COVID-19 world.