
RECAPpreterm Cohort Platform will soon be accessible

RECAPpreterm is a research project developing a unique data platform that will allow researchers to find and use data from very preterm and very low birth weight cohorts to answer research questions. 

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© Jasmin Merdan | Fotolia.de

The Cohort Platform will bring together extensive data from 20 population-based cohorts of children and young adults born very preterm from 13 European countries as well as further cohorts from around the world.

End of January, the project’s General Assembly met for the 5th time, and this year in form of a two days webinar, to exchange on the achieved milestones and to discuss what remains to be done in the coming months to bring this platform alive. Impressive work has been done by the teams in the different work packages over the past years:  At the moment, 23 studies, 29 datasets and 4.743 variables are available. You would like to have a first look and get a better feeling how the platform will work?

Take a more detailed look and click here!

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 733280.