
Professor Dieter Wolke wins award for Distinguished Contributions to British Developmental Psychology

©Prof. Dieter Wolke

Professor Dieter Wolke from the University of Warwick  receives the award for Distinguished Contributions to British Developmental Psychology. With his work Professor Wolke is doing invaluable research on how preterm birth affects brain and psychological long-term development and consequently, the quality of life of preterms. After the announcement Professor Wolke commented: “I am very delighted that I am the 2020 Distinguished Contribution to British Developmental Psychology Award winner. I have to thank my team over the last 3 decades including Ph.D. students, postdocs and colleagues who have all contributed to the important findings on developmental pathways of infants born with or into risk conditions across childhood into adulthood”. Professor Wolke has been supporting EFCNI  as a Scientific Advisory Board member and the European Standards of Care for Newborn Health project as Chair and expert on follow up issues for many years. Recently he became elected a member of the GLANCE: Global Alliance for Newborn Care Chair Committee.