
Neonatal And Children’s Brain Consortium in Ireland (NBCI) is looking for research participants

If you are a parent or family member of an infant who received cooling treatment, please consider taking part in research called COHESION, a project of the Neonatal And Children’s Brain Consortium in Ireland (NBCI) . The aim of COHESION is to develop a Core Outcome Set for use in clinical trials. The study is conducted by Fiona Quirke a PhD student from the National University of Ireland Galway, who is studying the infant brain for COHESION.

Fiona Quirke has prepared a short video to explain the purpose of her study:  click here.

For the study, Fiona Quirke needs to interview parents of children who have suffered from Neonatal Encephalopathy and who received brain cooling as part of their treatment. She is interested in speaking with parents from any country. The PhD student would like to ask parents and families about their experiences with cooling treatment and also what they think is most and should be measured to show this treatment is working.

If you are interested in taking part in this study and would like to get more information, please email f.quirke1@nuigalway.ie

Follow this link for more information about COHESION: nbci.ie/cohesion

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