
EFCNI at the annual meeting of the GNPI

The 44th annual meeting of the GNPI (Society for Neonatology and Pediatric Intensive Care Medicine) took place from 7 – 9 June 2018 in Rostock, Germany. About 1,300 experts were on site and informed about the latest scientific findings with the goal to strengthen interdisciplinary collaboration. Chairwoman of EFCNI Silke Mader and Vice Chair Nicole Thiele took the chance to introduce current projects of the foundation:

EFCNI at the GNPI meeting

Silke Mader and Nicole Thiele together with Dr Mike Possner from the Nestlé Nutrition Institute

In October and November 2018, EFCNI will hold the first workshops in line with the newly starting “EFCNI Academy”. In the one-day workshop Setup and operation of human milk banks renowned experts will give valuable insights into the work of existing human milk banks. The workshop is mainly aimed at doctors, lactation consultants and other professionals who want to set up their own human milk bank. It will take place in Frankfurt am Main and Munich, Germany. Further workshops are planned. View more about our international project to support clinical centres in Germany, Switzerland and Austria in the setup and operation of human milk banks on a national level: https://www.efcni.org/activities/projects/milk-banks/

In addition, the third edition of our large-scale initiative A Strong Start for little Heroes was launched. As from now, hospitals with neonatal intensive care units in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland that want to organise in-house events on the occasion of World Prematurity Day on 17 November 2018 are invited to register. Participants will get a comprehensive action package including promotional material, presents for parents of hospitalised infants, and give-aways for visitors. View more about A Strong Start for little Heroes