EFCNI at the 48th annual conference of the Society for Neonatology and Pediatric Intensive Care Medicine

After a digital event last year, the 48th annual conference of the Society for Neonatology and Pediatric Intensive Care Medicine (Gesellschaft für Neonatologie und Pädiatrische Intensivmedizin – GNPI) took place on-site again in Aachen, Germany. EFCNI had the pleasure to be involved in the diverse congress programme.

Together with the Bundesverband das Frühgeborene Kind e.V., EFCNI chaired a sessions on family-centred care and optimal nutrition of hospitalised newborns. In addition to nutritional problems and guidelines in feeding preterm babies, Professor Nadja Haiden (University Vienna) also addressed the topic of parenteral nutrition in preterm infants in this session. In the session focusing on care, EFCNI’s Dr. Johanna Kostenzer presented our survey and its findings on the impact of the pandemic on family-centred care in NICUs worldwide. EFCNI set up and analysed a global survey of affected parents here and published it in a comprehensive report. In addition to that we held a workshop on the establishment and operation of a human milk banks.

It was a real pleasure to finally be able again to engage in personal exchange with the participants on site!

For those who could not attend, please find accompanying content to our congress presentations below:

Session “Optimal and safe nutrition: What is important for professionals and parents? “
COVID-19 survey and report
Workshop on human milk banks