
Congress season 2022: meet EFCNI at the EAPS Congress in Barcelona!

After two years of digital meetings, congresses, and conferences, we are delighted to be participating in the 9th Congress of the European Academy of Paediatric Societies (EAPS) from 7-11 October 2022 on-site in Barcelona. EFCNI will be contributing to the diverse congress programme with two sessions focusing on the patient- and parent perspective in neonatal care.

Infant and family-centred developmental care before and during the COVID-19 pandemic (EFCNI Session)
Sunday, 9 October 2022, 15:00; Interdisciplinary Session 19

The COVID-19 pandemic has severely impacted the health sector and exposed shortcomings that affect both patients and professionals. In our session, we will highlight the consequences of the pandemic on neonatology, considering different stakeholders.
Learn more about our global parent survey on how parents experienced the impact of the pandemic on family-centred care in the NICU, how the mental health of healthcare professionals has been challenged, and how support for parents and healthcare staff in challenging situations like a pandemic can look like.


Updated standards for the care of the newborn infant
Sunday, 9 October 2022, 17:00; ESPR Session 41

Since the launch of the European Standards of Care for Newborn Health (ESCNH) in the European Parliament in 2018, they received much attention and international experts in neonatal care expressed great interest to support the standard development of yet underreported areas within the existing framework.
Besides a reassessment of 20 standards, six new standards have been launched recently. Covering areas from cord management of term and preterm infants, over management of NEC, to immunisation of preterm infants, error management, and quality indicators. Other focal points of this session will be discharge management and follow-up standards and their analysis.


Visit us at our booth in Barcelona or stop by digitally – the congress takes place in hybrid format – we are looking forward to a vivid exchange with you.


About EAPS:
EAPS 2022 is organised by the three leading European societies: the European Academy of Paediatrics (EAP), the European Society for Paediatric Research (ESPR) and the European Society of Paediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care (ESPNIC). These combined efforts and talents of the best and brightest minds in paediatrics make this biannual event a major, leading educational and research platform, bringing you the latest cutting-edge science and providing you with the latest insights and tools that you can bring to your patients.


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