
5th Global Summit for Preemies by Neišnešiotukas in Vilnius

The 5th Global Summit for Preemies in Vilnius, Lithuania – focusing on the European Standards of Care for Newborn Health – took place at the beginning of December.

© Neišnešiotukas

Together with Asta Radzevičienė (chairwoman, Preemies Parent Association Neišnešiotukas) the EFCNI Chairwoman Silke Mader welcomed healthcare professionals, parent organisations, NGOs, policy makers, payers and media at the 5th Global Summit for Preemies.
Among the guests were the Minister of Health of the Republic of Lithuania Aurelijus Veryga, (Minister of Health of the Republic of Lithuania), Dr Ornella Lincetto (World Health Organization) and Prof. MD, PhD Rasa Tamelienė (Head, Neonatology Clinic, University of Health Sciences; President, Neonatology Association – Lithuania).

Every attendee signed the Call to Action for the Lithuanian Parliament. Helping advance the standards of care for preterm babies takes the effort of various stakeholders. It was great to see so many of them coming together, sharing their insights, their experiences and their passion for improving long-term health of preterm and newborn children. The Member of Lithuanian Parliament Monika Navickiene handed over the Call to Action to the Parlament speaker on the second day of the Summit. It was a great achievement and an emotional final of the 5th Global Summit for Preemies in Vilnius.

Compared to other European countries the situation in Lithuanian NICUs is quite good, perinatal care was much developed over the last years. Nevertheless, there is still room for improvement in Lithuanian NICUs and there is still some work to do in the field of follow up and family centred care.

We all – parent organisations, healthcare professionals and politicians – can improve the health and life of preterm born babies and their families in Lithuania and worldwide by making sure that equal standards of care are respected in every hospital and NICU.
The attention on the visit of the Parliament in Lithuania was great and supportive, therefore Silke Mader was interviewed by the second largest television station in Lithuania. We are really looking forward to seeing the report on TV and online!

Please go to European Standards of Newborn Health.

Read more about the summit.