
5th Global Summit for Preemies

We kindly invite you to join the 5th Global Summit for Preemies to help advance the standards of care for preterm babies around the world. The Summit is dedicated to the European Standards of Care for Newborn Health, so it will focus on the following topics:

  • Efficient implementation of the standards
  • Infant- and family-centred developmental care
  • Patient safety and hygiene practice
  • Follow-up and continuing care

Copyright: Lithuanian Premature Babies Association – Neišnešiotukas

Like the scope of the topics to be covered, the range of stakeholders invited is extensive and will include healthcare professionals, parent organisations, NGOs, policy makers, payers and media.

The Summit is organised by the Lithuanian Premature Babies Association – Neišnešiotukas, in cooperation with the European Foundation for the Care of Newborn Infants (EFCNI) and the Lithuanian Neonatology Association, and in partnership with AbbVie.

Register now – for further information, please visit the congress website https://globalsummitforpreemies.com