Other content tagged: news

Warm welcome to Sanofi Pasteur as Premium Partner of EFCNI

We are happy to announce that Sanofi Pasteur is joining forces with EFCNI for a new RSV-partnership. We are pleased to begin work with Sanofi and look forward to the collaboration! Sanofi Pasteur comes to us with a focus on the prevention of Respiratory Syncytial Virus in all infants. As an organization, we have worked hard to address RSV in babies who are born at high risk – those born prematurely or with health…
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“Impact of Coronavirus/COVID-19 on special/intensive care for newborns – a parents’ perspective”

The worldwide study “Impact of Coronavirus/COVID-19 on special/intensive care for newborns – a parents’ perspective” is unique: It aims at exploring parents’ experiences related to the challenges caused by the current pandemic regarding the care of and access to their newborn baby – voices that are often overheard. The Coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic creates exceptional challenges, especially for the care of the most vulnerable groups of patients – such as sick and preterm born children. It is therefore important to explore parents’…
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Study to evaluate the health and quality of life of adults born preterm

The Institute of Public Health of the University of Porto (ISPUP) launched “HAPP-e: Health of Adult People born Preterm – an e-cohort pilot study” to study the health and quality of life of adults born preterm worldwide, using digital tools. Adults with a history of preterm birth represent a growing share of the population. Evidence shows that the majority of preterm infants adapt extremely well during the transition into adulthood. However, a significant part remains at higher risk for neurologic,…
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Neonatal And Children’s Brain Consortium in Ireland (NBCI) is looking for research participants

If you are a parent or family member of an infant who received cooling treatment, please consider taking part in research called COHESION, a project of the Neonatal And Children's Brain Consortium in Ireland (NBCI) . The aim of COHESION is to develop a Core Outcome Set for use in clinical trials. The study is conducted by Fiona Quirke a PhD student from the National University of Ireland Galway, who is studying the infant brain for COHESION. Fiona Quirke has…
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GLANCE releases new video series for Zero Separation

Can a mother breastfeed, if she has COVID-19?  And what can a mother do, if she is seperated from her baby in the neonatal ward? These are currently the two most common questions asked by parents of preterm babies worldwide. Denise Suguitani is the executive director for, the Brazilian Parents of Preemies Association, and shares the experience she gained through her work during the pandemic. She talked about the challenges of COVID-19 in a ZOOM interview with GLANCE. The…
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New parent organisation in our network – A warm welcome to Preemie Connect

A warm welcome to Preemie Connect, a new parent organisation that joined our network! Preemie connect is founded and run by Tasmin Bota, the mother of a baby born preterm in South Africa. Together with EFCNI’s and GLANCE’s long-term partner the African Foundation for Premature Babies and Neonatal Care (AFPNC) she hosted her first event for World Prematurity Day in 2018 and has been advocating for parental involvement since then. “Hosting that event allowed me to see just how many…
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British Association of Perinatal Medicine’s (BAPM) webinar on prioritising family-integrated Care

Why is it relevant to consider families as primary caregivers of their baby? What are the effects of mother-infant separations and what are the four C’s of closeness? Among others, those were the questions addressed by the webinar of the British Association for Perinatal Medicine (BAPM) – a partner of the FiCare research group.  A set of excellent international speakers gave presentations all under the heading of “Getting to Zero Separation: Prioritising Family Integrated Care for our new normal” and…
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Launch of Preterm and Hospitalized Newborn Health Standard Set (NEO-SS)

The International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement (ICHOM) has just launched their Preterm and Hospitalized Newborn Health Standard Set which is now ready for implementation! We are thrilled and feel honoured that EFCNI could contribute to this great, outstanding project as Patient Advisor and NEO Working Group member. Health professionals, patient advisors, and recognised leaders from across Europe, Africa, the Americas, Asia and Australia have joined forces to establish and launch this global set…
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The importance of the right fatty acids in early nutrition

Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and arachidonic acid (ARA) are so-called long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC-PUFAs) found in breastmilk. They play important roles in the growth and development of babies, especially in brain development and function. To resemble the composition of breastmilk, infant formula has been supplemented with these two fatty acids for many years as the benefits of supplementing DHA together with ARA in infant formula and follow-on formula have been scientifically proven. Yet, a…
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Survive and Thrive: Transforming Care for Small and Sick Newborns

The webinar series “Survive and thrive: transforming care for small and sick newborns” by the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) has now come to an end. For the past four months, leading experts on neonatal health gave a detailed insight into the findings collected in the report, and shared country experiences in improving quality of care for newborns and introduced WHO’s new standards of care for small and sick newborns. On May 6, EFCNI…
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