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Silke Mader hosted a plenary session at the UENPS Congress

On 19th of November the digital UENPS Congress, EFCNI chairwoman Silke Mader hosted the plenary session FAMILY CENTRED CARE: THE WORLD EXPERIENCE, where she was also presenting on the topic of “Family-centred care: current application and future directions”. At this roundtable, she pointed out the effects of COVID-19 on deliveries worldwide and drew attention to the consequences a separation policy has on parents and preterm born babies. We would like to thank all speakers…
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“Stay close to your parents” – how a German association supports parents of preterm babies in times of pandemic

The association "Das frühgeborene Kind" e.V. with its nationwide network of self-help initiatives and counselling centres for families with preterm born infants is a contact and placement centre in Germany for all who need help and information regarding preterm births. In an interview with EFCNI Katrin Eglin, spokeswoman of "Das frühgeborene Kind" e.V., explains how the association is involved in the times of COVID-19 Mrs Eglin, exchanging knowledge and sharing experience are always important but even more so in times…
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Neonatal intensive care, patient safety and quality improvement: What? When? Where? Who? And How?

A guest article by Dr Cynthia van der Starre Ever since the release of the landmark report “To Err is Human” by the Institute of Medicine in November 1999, the science behind improving patient safety and quality of care has been increasing steadily. Not only “classical” medical research has contributed to evidence-based ways for quality improvement, but also the influence of a growing number of methodological, social, psychological, anthropological, economical and other studies has impacted our way of thinking about…
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Medical Training in times of Covid-19

The article “SARS-COV-2 epidemic and medical training: Unnecessary risk or indispensable duty” by Schwindt et al covers the pressing question on how to handle and safely conduct life-saving medical trainings during the pandemic. The article explains the importance of training complex medical situations and points out important characteristics for a safe and successful training environment in times of COVID-19. Please find the whole article at:
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Österreichischer Verein „Kleines Knöpflein – früh(chen) benäht“

In passender Kleidung die Welt entdecken – das ist für Frühchen gar keine so leichte Aufgabe und stellt ihre Eltern oft vor die Herausforderung Strampler, Bodies und Mützchen in der richtigen Größe zu finden. Diese Schwierigkeit hatte auch Nadja Goritschnig, als ihre kleine Tochter Liah 2018 als Frühchen zur Welt gekommen ist und sich in diversen Kleidungsgeschäften keine Erstausstattung für sie finden ließ. Daraufhin beschloss sie selbst nähend tätig zu werden und gründete kurze Zeit darauf und anlässlich des Welt-Frühgeborenen-Tages…
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New campaign material available

With our Zero separation campaign, launched in July, we want to raise awareness for the importance of infant and family centred developmental care also with regards to COVID-19-precautions. Especially in times of a pandemic, in which the population’s focus circulates around this dominating topic, it is important to also be aware of other respiratory infections such as RSV . With the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) season starting in many countries these days, the Zero separation campaign dedicates October and November…
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Optimal practice in neonatal parenteral nutrition: The role of quality improvement and risk management in providing high-quality parenteral nutrition

An interview with Professor Nicholas Embleton In some infants, parenteral nutrition is the only way to provide the necessary nutrients for days or weeks. Being an invasive procedure, it also carries potential risks and therefore, requires certain infrastructure and thorough risk management paired with continuous quality assessment in order to ensure high quality of parenteral nutrition in daily practice. In this interview, Professor Nicholas Embleton from The Newcastle-upon-Tyne hospital & Newcastle University shares his view and experiences on means of…
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Tackling bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) to improve preterm health

World Prematurity Day (WPD) on 17 November has become a symbol for the challenges of preterm birth and for improving the situation of affected infants and their families. On this occasion, Professor Luc Zimmermann, Johanna Kostenzer PhD, and Silke Mader (all EFCNI) have written an editorial for the American Journal of Physiology-Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology. The article focuses on the challenges caused by bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) - the most common cause of chronic lung disease in infancy.   To…
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Every Newborn – an action plan to end preventable deaths

On 3 September, the Every Newborn Action Plan (ENAP), a comprehensive, multi-partner initiative, launched its roadmap with their  new 2020-2025 targets to end preventable stillbirths and newborn deaths in a digital live event. With this plan, they call on all stakeholders to take action to improve access to services and the quality of care for all pregnant women and newborns. ENAP was endorsed by 194 countries at the World Health Assembly in 2014 an developed…
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Track your preterm baby’s milestones

Baby+ a baby tracking app for premature babies and their parents Baby+, the popular baby tracking apps, is now offering new content particularly targeted at the questions and needs of parents of preterm babies. EFCNI is honoured to have supported the developers of the Baby+ app with 20 articles dedicated to this topic. Parents as well as family members or friends can now inform themselves about a wide range of questions concerning preterm birth via…
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