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Fachgesellschaften empfehlen vorgezogene RSV-Prophylaxe nach untypischem Fallanstieg von Kindern mit RSV-bedingten Atemwegsinfektionen

Durch COVID-19-Hygienemaßnahmen und Kontaktbeschränkungen wurden bekannte Grippe- und Erkältungskrankheiten im vergangenen Herbst und Winter zurückgedrängt. Nach Lockerungen der Schutz- und Hygieneregeln nehmen nun auch andere Atemwegsinfektionen wieder zu. Ärzte beobachten derzeit besorgt einen für die Jahreszeit untypischen, verfrühten Anstieg an Krankenhausaufnahmen mit einer hohen Belastung der Kinderkliniken durch Atemwegsinfektionen aufgrund des Respiratorischen Synzytial Virus (RSV). Üblicherweise verläuft die RSV-Saison in Deutschland parallel zu anderen Atemwegsinfekten in den Wintermonaten zwischen November und April. Das RSV ist vor allem für Frühgeborene und Kleinkinder gefährlich,…
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Schutzlücken schon vor der Geburt schließen – Interview mit Dr. Marianne Röbl-Mathieu zur Keuchhusten-Impfung in der Schwangerschaft

In der Schwangerschaft rückt das Thema Gesundheit für viele Menschen besonders in den Vordergrund – schließlich soll sichergestellt werden, dass das (noch ungeborene) Kind einen guten Start ins Leben erhält. Während Aspekte wie Ernährung und Bewegung selbstverständlich eine große Rolle spielen, ist in den letzten Jahren auch das Thema Impfen wieder stärker in den Fokus gerückt. Dazu beigetragen hat auch die Tatsache, dass die Ständige Impfkommission (STIKO) ihre Empfehlungen für Schwangere aufgrund von neuen Forschungserkenntnissen aktualisiert hat. So rät die…
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European Association of Perinatal Medicine honours Professor Giuseppe Buonocore We congratulate Professor Giuseppe Buonocore on receiving the Maternity Prize, which is presented every two years at the European Congress of Perinatal Medicine to one neonatologist who has distinguished himself in his professional career and through his commitment to the field of perinatal medicine. The Maternity Price is a wonderful recognition of his passionate work and dedication to newborns and their families. Congratulations on…
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Business Woman Award goes to EFCNI PAB member Oleksandra Balyasna

Business for preterm infants convinces the jury For the third time the French-Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCIFU) awarded outstanding women for their business concepts. This year, out of 100 candidates, the board selected Oleksandra Balyasna, the founder of Раненько (Ranenko), a company helping preterm babies with appropriate products, meeting their needs, has won the race and became businesswoman of 2021! Oleksandra is also the founder of the Ukrainian parent organisation…
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Promoting good practice in newborn temperature regulation: Dr. Alok Sharma’s story

Prelude The mother was in preterm labour and the baby was about to be born at 24 weeks. As a consultant neonatologist at Southampton University Hospital, this was not an unusual situation for Dr. Alok Sharma. What was perhaps unusual at the time was how Alok was preparing to deal with this preterm birth. Normally babies born at this gestational age are intubated and ventilated immediately but this time, Alok wanted to avoid this. He had noticed time and again…
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Ein Schritt auf dem Weg in ein gesundes Leben – Impfen in der Schwangerschaft

Die COVID-19-Pandemie hat in den letzten Monaten auch das Thema „Impfen“ wieder stärker in das Bewusstsein der Öffentlichkeit gebracht. Nach einer intensiven Entwicklungs- und Testphase sind nun einige Impfstoffe auf dem Markt, die bereits in vielen Ländern zum Einsatz kommen. So steigt auch in Deutschland die Zahl der gegen COVID-19 geimpften Menschen jeden Tag kontinuierlich an. Sowohl in den sozialen Netzwerken als auch den Feuilletons der großen Zeitungen werden beispielsweise die Funktionsweisen der verschiedenen Impfstoffe oder Aspekte der Impfpriorisierung gelegentlich…
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Association between maternal HIV infection and preterm birth

The treatment of HIV with antiretroviral therapies (ARTs) has improved people’s quality of life and extended their life span. This also leads to more HIV-infected women having children, as ARTs also protect the baby from contracting the virus. However, ARTs may cause negative effects on pregnancy outcomes, with increases in preterm birth rates. In the study by Elenga et al., pregnancy outcomes of HIV-positive mothers receiving different types of ART were compared to uninfected…
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Global analysis of neonatal care during the COVID-19 pandemic – a healthcare providers’ perspective

With COVID-19 disrupting neonatal health systems globally, a group of experts undertook a thematic analysis of healthcare providers’ experiences using a disseminated online survey. Results show high levels of stress on healthcare providers, disruption of newborn care practices, and lack of guidelines regarding preterm newborns and babies with low birthweight (LBW) during the pandemic. There is an urgent need to protect life-saving interventions. The implementation of the Every Newborn Action Plan in 2014 by…
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EUPATI welcomes a new fellow: congrats to Livia Nagy

The European Patients’ Academy (EUPATI) was established in 2012 as a pan-European project. It is a programme that provides education and training to patients and patient representatives to increase their capacity and capability to understand and meaningfully contribute to medicines research and development (R&D), and to improve the availability of medical information for patients and other stakeholders. It does so by conducting its established Patient Expert Training Programme which has, until…
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Preterm birth – how can communication be improved with parents?

Shock, trauma, grief, vulnerability, worry – these are just a few words to describe how parents of preterm born babies feel when faced with the often unexpected situation of the early birth of their child. Add to this the need to make sometimes urgent decisions about the future of an early term baby – and this often does not make for fluid and smooth communication between parents and the medical professionals in charge of the care of their baby. Such…
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