Other content tagged: news

The culture of breastfeeding and human milk donation before and after the pandemic: best practice example from Brazil

Breastfeeding is potentially one of the top nutrition interventions that can reduce the mortality of children under 5 years of age. For preterm infants, breastfeeding is also an important strategy to warrant health and quality of life, as well as bonding, and although it can be a more difficult process, it is possible and should be encouraged, protected, promoted, and supported by everyone: healthcare professionals and families. For those preemies whose mothers cannot provide breastmilk, the second-best option of nutrition…
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EFCNI at the 48th annual conference of the Society for Neonatology and Pediatric Intensive Care Medicine

After a digital event last year, the 48th annual conference of the Society for Neonatology and Pediatric Intensive Care Medicine (Gesellschaft für Neonatologie und Pädiatrische Intensivmedizin - GNPI) took place on-site again in Aachen, Germany. EFCNI had the pleasure to be involved in the diverse congress programme. Together with the Bundesverband das Frühgeborene Kind e.V., EFCNI chaired a sessions on family-centred care and optimal nutrition of hospitalised newborns. In addition to nutritional problems and guidelines in feeding preterm babies, Professor…
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In 2021, the season of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infections was exceptional in terms of the very early onset and the enormously high numbers of hospitalised children. Thus, the last season showed very clearly: RSV is a major health threat to children under two years of age. In most cases of RSV, children develop only mild, cold-like symptoms. However, a number of children suffer from a severe course of the infection with severe respiratory distress and accompanying symptoms that need…
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Implementing evidence-based parenteral nutrition

Working group on parenteral nutrition published new article on the process for the implementation of evidence-based parenteral nutrition in German perinatal centres. As a life-saving therapy for some preterm and sick newborns, neonatal parenteral nutrition aims at providing optimal nutrition at the very start of life but can accompanied by certain risks. The European guideline on parenteral nutrition provides evidence-based recommendations to minimise these risks. Last year, the expert working group "parenteral nutrition” concluded from findings of their survey that…
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Joint Statement on Ukraine #StandWithUkraine

EFCNI and GLANCE on the situation in Ukraine It is with horror and disbelief that we look at the events unfolding in Ukraine. We witness people fleeing, people in fear and uncertainty whilst politicians are struggling to find fast, effective diplomatic solutions, solutions which are urgently needed to end the suffering of the present and the future generations of Ukraine. As an organisation advocating for newborns and particularly preterm and sick babies and their families, connected with parent- and patient…
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Expecting or new preemie parents? These apps are for you

A pregnancy and baby tracking app packed with content around preterm birth Tracking your own pregnancy and the development of your baby is exciting. For some years now, apps have intensified this experience, telling you how much your baby has grown, which organs are currently developing and even providing 3D images of what your baby could look like! However, for women whose pregnancy is different from the norm (for example due to complications…
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Aktuelle Herausforderungen und Entwicklungen von Frauenmilchbanken in Deutschland – eine Bachelorarbeit unserer Werkstudentin Lea Sturm

Im vergangenen Herbst schloss unsere Werkstudentin Lea Sturm ihr Studium der Gesundheitswissenschaften an der Technischen Universität München erfolgreich ab. Mit ihrer Bachelorarbeit „Aktuelle Herausforderungen und Entwicklungen von Frauenmilchbanken in Deutschland“ arbeitete sie an einem Kernthema von EFCNI. Durch die wissenschaftlichen Einblicke, die sie bei EFCNI erlangte, wurde ihr Interesse an Frauenmilchbanken – insbesondere aufgrund des signifikanten Präventionspotentials und dem Nutzen für das gesamte Gesundheitssystem – geweckt.…
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„Die Pertussis-Impfung in der Schwangerschaft ist eine sehr sinnhafte Maßnahme“– Interview mit Professor Michael Abou-Dakn

Vor wenigen Wochen aktualisierte die Ständige Impfkommission (STIKO) am Robert Koch-Institut ihre Empfehlungen zur COVID-19-Schutzimpfung für Schwangere. Nach eingehender Analyse der neu verfügbar gewordenen Daten empfiehlt die STIKO nun die COVID-19-Impfung für Schwangere ab dem zweiten Trimester und passt damit ihre bisherige Empfehlung der neuen Informationslage an. Es ist nicht das erste Mal, dass die STIKO ihre Impfempfehlungen überprüft und aufgrund von neuen Forschungserkenntnissen ergänzt. Im Falle der Impfung gegen Keuchhusten…
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New parent organisation aboard – Welcome, “EDEN Foundation”, to the EFCNI network!

We are happy to welcome a new parent organisation as partner and friend to our network: The “EDEN Foundation” from Nigeria! The “EDEN Foundation” is a registered non-profit, non-governmental organisation and was established in 2019. Founder Kobi Ajayi went through pregnancy loss as well as a preterm birth herself and had to learn how to cope with the physical and psychological tolls of these experiences. Realising that she was not…
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„Die Pertussis-Impfung in der Schwangerschaft schließt eine wichtige Schutzlücke bei Säuglingen“ – Interview mit PD Dr. Holger Maul

PD Dr. Holger Maul ist Facharzt für Frauenheilkunde und Geburtshilfe mit einem besonderen Schwerpunkt auf spezieller Geburtshilfe und Perinatologie. Als Chefarzt der Asklepios Klinik Barmbek forscht und publiziert er u.a. zu Faktoren für eine gesunde Schwangerschaft.   EFCNI: Was ist Pertussis und wie verläuft eine Erkrankung bei Früh- und Neugeborenen? Maul: Pertussis, auch Keuchhusten genannt, ist eine bakterielle Infektion, die durch Bordetella pertussis ausgelöst wird. Sie verläuft in der Regel in drei Stadien:…
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