Other content tagged: news

Against all odds

An interview with Gert van Steenbrugge and his preterm born daughter Anja In 1989, Gert van Steenbrugge became father of Anja. Due to the HELLP syndrome her mother developed, Anja was born by cesarean section at 26 weeks of gestation, weighing 800 gr. More than 20 years later, she successfully completed her vocational education and now she works for a well-known restaurant in Voorburg. EFCNI had the chance to ask them some questions about their experiences with the challenges of…
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Community Based Newborn Care Package:

A community based approach to reducing neonatal mortality in Nepal Each year, nearly 35,000 Nepali children die before their fifth birthday, with almost two-thirds of these deaths occurring in the first month of life.1  Experts claim that over two thirds of these deaths could be prevented with relatively low costs and low-tech interventions.2  The Community Based Newborn Care Package addresses these issues within the national health system settings of Nepal.  While Nepal managed to reduce child and maternal mortality rate by 7.7%…
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The benefits of the less invasive surfactant application (LISA) in preterm infants

Infants born without enough surfactant may develop a condition called respiratory distress syndrome (RDS). RDS occurs in preterm infants due to the immaturity of their lungs and inability to make sufficient surfactant. On the occasion of our topic of the month “Patient safety and hygiene practice”, we spoke with the neonatologist Dr Angela Kribs, Germany, who together with further experts investigated a less invasive surfactant application protocol (LISA) in extremely preterm infants. The Nonintubated Surfactant Application trial was a multicenter,…
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The “travelling NICU”

Transport of high-risk neonates in Portugal A guest article by Professor Hercília Guimarães NICU, Centro Hospitalar São João, Faculty of Medicine, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal Alameda Professor Hernâni Monteiro, Porto, Portugal What was the idea behind your project and what was the starting point? The transport system of high-risk newborns in Portugal was established in 1987 in the context of regionalisation of perinatal health care in the country. In Portugal, the network of perinatal healthcare works as follows:  1)…
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When every second counts

IVENA eHealth in the ambulance service sector A guest article by Roland Dollmeier, Managing Director of the Munich Emergency Services Association (Rettungszweckverband München - RVZ) The interdisciplinary medical supply compass (in German: Interdisziplinäre Versorgungsnachweis IVENA) was introduced in spring 2013 by the Munich Emergency Services Association (Rettungszweckverband RZV) to facilitate the management of assigning patients to appropriate hospitals for the emergency service in Munich. All necessary steps were implemented with decisive support of the Medical Directors of Emergency Services. The decision to obtain…
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