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EFCNI roundtable on neonatal parenteral nutrition

On 4 July 2018, experts from various European countries came together in Munich, Germany, for the EFCNI roundtable on neonatal parenteral nutrition. Parenteral nutrition is a feeding therapy that provides nutrition through the veins to preterm or severely ill babies, who cannot (yet) be adequately fed by mouth or through a feeding tube. Among the 15 experts who attended the roundtable were neonatologists, pharmacists, and parent representatives…
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There is a great need for urgent pan-European harmonisation

An interview with Professor Charles Christoph Roehr, President of the European Society for Paediatric Research, on the topic Medical care and clinical practice In terms of medical practice in neonatology - in which fields do you see the most significant disparities between European countries? This is a very good question. We see significant disparities on many levels, starting from the recognition of Neonatology as an individual Paediatric subspecialty. There are still a number…
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Surfactant replacement therapy – a milestone in neonatology

The Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS) is a lung disorder that is mostly seen in preterm babies, especially those born before week 30. It is caused by a lack of surfactant, which is a substance that coats the inside of the lungs and prevents the small air sacs (alveoli) from collapsing.1 In preparation for breathing air, fetuses begin producing surfactant during the third trimester of pregnancy through labour and delivery. Depending on the level of prematurity, the lungs of a baby…
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Lighthouse project: a baby saving innovation – the Embrace infant warmer

One of our lighthouse projects in the field of Medical care is the Embrace warmer. It was designed to improve healthcare in low-resource settings to help vulnerable newborns survive and thrive. When infants are born preterm, they lack the body fat that is necessary to regulate their own temperature. As a consequence, room temperature can feel…
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EFCNI at the annual meeting of the GNPI

The 44th annual meeting of the GNPI (Society for Neonatology and Pediatric Intensive Care Medicine) took place from 7 – 9 June 2018 in Rostock, Germany. About 1,300 experts were on site and informed about the latest scientific findings with the goal to strengthen interdisciplinary collaboration. Chairwoman of EFCNI Silke Mader and Vice Chair Nicole Thiele took the chance to introduce current projects of the foundation: Silke Mader and Nicole Thiele together with Dr Mike Possner…
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BOOK REVIEW: “Nutritional Care of Preterm Infants: Scientific Basis and Practical Guidelines”

Koletzko B, Poindexter B, Uauy R (eds.): Nutritional Care of Preterm Infants: Scientific Basis and Practical Guidelines. World Rev Nutr Diet. Basel, Karger, 2014, vol 110.   The book Nutritional Care of Preterm Infants: Scientific Basis and Practical Guidelines (Volume editors: B. Koletzko, B. Poindexter, R. Uauy) provides a detailed overview on nutrient requirements and the practice of nutritional care in preterm infants, with a particular focus on very low birth weight infants. In 22 chapters written by various experts…
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SHIPS (Screening to Improve Health in Very Preterm Infants in Europe) meeting in Antwerp

At the beginning of June 2018 all members of the SHIPS project – Screening to Improve Health in Very Preterm Infants in Europe (SHIPS) – met in Antwerp, Belgium, for the second last two-day meeting. SHIPS has almost finished data collection and the results are about to accede, first analyses of data are already ongoing. A strategic action plan for analysis and reporting as well as priority research themes for the coming year has been developed. Furthermore, concrete steps how…
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Lighthouse project in NICU design: the new Parents, Baby and Family Centre at the Children’s Hospital Dritter Orden Passau, Germany

After five years of intensive planning and construction work, last year the Dritter Orden Clinic in Passau, South Germany,  celebrated the opening of its new Parents-Baby-and Family centre. Realising this lighthouse project in the field of NICU design was a task that brought varied specialists from many different subjects like medical engineers, architects and interior designers as well as medical staff, together in order to make this intensive care unit a place that meets the needs of both the small…
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An interior planner‘s view on the new Parents, Baby, and Family Centre in the Children’s Hospital Dritter Orden Passau

An interview with interior planner Sigrid Stjerneby As an interior architect, which special requirements did you face in this project? I would like to point out that I am not an interior architect in a classical sense. I have a background in free arts, I am a painter and sculptor and 25 years ago I founded a planning office together with my husband because we do not understand art within architecture (so called „Kunst am Bau“) as some kind of decoration,…
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An architect‘s view on the new Parents, Baby, and Family Centre in the Children’s Hospital Dritter Orden Passau

An interview with Roland Schuster from g|s architects in Büchlberg, Germany Which special challenges did you meet as the architect of this project? The Parents, Baby, and Family Centre (Eltern-, Baby- und Familienzentrum, abbreviated as EBZ) in the Children’s Hospital Dritter Orden Passau was destined to be a very special project from the very beginning. Making it happen required assembling a planning team, which would be willing to embark on this adventure. With the starting point being the defined processes…
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