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Neue Eltern-Broschüre “Muttermilch für Frühgeborene“ jetzt erhältlich
Wir freuen uns, unsere neue Eltern-Broschüre "Muttermilch für Frühgeborene - Nahrung für Körper und Seele" vorzustellen! Hier finden Mamas von Frühgeborenen sowie deren Partner und Familienangehörige nicht nur zahlreiche praktische Tipps rund ums Stillen, sondern auch interessante Fakten über Muttermilch, wie diese zur gesunden Entwicklung ihres frühgeborenen Babys beiträgt und Vieles mehr. Mit dieser Broschüre wollen wir Mütter ermutigen, ihr Frühgeborenes mit Muttermilch (oder gespendeter Frauenmilch) zu ernähren, wir möchten zudem Hilfestellung bieten, sei es bei Fragen zu Stillpositionen, wie…
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Lighthouse project: Family and Infant Neurodevelopmental Education
The Family and Infant Neurodevelopmental Education (FINE) programme is an educational pathway in infant and family-centred developmental care for all healthcare professionals working in neonatal care. The overall goal is to improve the outcomes for babies and families in neonatal care. The curriculum includes themes such as neurodevelopment of the newborn, the relationship between parents and their baby, management of stress and pain, and observing and understanding the baby’s behaviour. The concept has spread to many parts of the world…
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Horizon Europe will follow on Horizon 2020
For the next long-term EU budget 2021-2027, the Commission is proposing €100 billion for research and innovation. A new programme – Horizon Europe – will build on the achievements and success of the previous research and innovation programme (Horizon 2020) and keep the EU at the forefront of global research and innovation. Horizon Europe is the most ambitious research and innovation programme ever. Commission Vice-President Jyrki Katainen, responsible for Jobs, Growth, Investment and Competitiveness, said “Investing in research and innovation…
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Lighthouse project: Baby simulator doll Paul helps to train emergency scenarios with preterm babies
A guest article by Dr Rangmar Goelz and Dr Karen Kreutzer from the University Children’s Hospital Tübingen Last year, the neonatal ward in the University Clinic Tübingen/Germany started, as one of the first clinics in Germany, to train emergency situations with the help of a baby simulator doll. As this in one of our lighthouse projects in the area “Education and training”, we spoke to Dr Rangmar Goelz and Dr Karen Kreutzer and asked them how the simulation trainings have…
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The role of fathers in breastfeeding
Men can play an important role when it comes to breastfeeding. Within our monthly topic of “Nutrition”, we wanted to get to the bottom of this issue and talked to a well-known expert in this field, Professor Michael Abou-Dakn, Head of Department at the Clinic for Gynaecology and Obstetrics at the St. Joseph's Hospital Berlin Tempelhof, Germany. To what extent do men influence women's decision to breastfeed their child and the frequency…
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Human milk banking
A guest article by Professor Jean-Charles Picaud, President of European Milk Bank Association (EMBA) Health benefits of breastfeeding are well-known in healthy term infants. These benefits are even greater in preterm infants as human milk (HM) feeding reduces the risk of complications associated with prematurity, such as digestive intolerance, necrotising enterocolitis, sepsis, retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) and bronchopulmonary dysplasia. As these benefits specifically present in preterm infants are dose-dependent, babies should receive as…
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Kangaroo sweaters for Hungarian hospital
Thanks to numerous donors, and with the support of Laura Bavalics on behalf of her husband PhD. Zack Boukydis' memory fund, we supplied the NICU in Miskolc, Hungary, with so called “Benjamin Kangaroo Sweaters”. These shirts facilitate skin-to-skin care by maintaining the mother’s mobility. They are designed to support safe and comfortable kangarooing even if the baby is connected to medical devices. In addition, they are equipped with small mirrors that enables the mother to watch her child’s face. Livia…
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Lighthouse Project: Human milk is the best for infants
A guest article by Dr Margarita Tzaki, Director of the Neonatology Department / NICU at ELENA VENIZELOU hospital in Athens, Greece The ELENA VENIZELOU hospital in Athens, Greece, was founded in 1935 from a donation for the benefit of mothers and newborn babies. It was designed to provide the best care for them, so practicing rooming-in, based on the model of a maternity hospital in Lausanne, has been the only choice ever since its opening. In 1945, the neonatal intensive…
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