Other content tagged: news

Lighthouse project: Developmental care – from theory to practice

A guest article by Dr Susanne Rücker, paediatrician , Hospital "Dritter Orden", Munich, Germany Developmental care is a paramount aspect in the care of preterm babies. Being a neonatal unit providing maximum medical care, this approach has always been an important factor in the provision of care for our patients. However, there has not been a comprehensive concept in operating developmental care that…
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Legislation on medicines for children and rare diseases open for public consulation

An evaluation by the European Commission covers the legislation on medicines for special purposes, in particular medicines for children and medicines to treat rare diseases. The evaluation will assess to which extent the EU legislation is efficient and effective and considers whether it is fit for purpose in the light of developments in the area of pharmaceuticals. It will look in particular in the impact of the incentives introduced for research, development and marketing, for these specific medicines. The public consultation…
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Ukraine: All things neonatal

In October, our partners from the Ukrainian Preemie Parent Association "Ранні пташки" (Early Birds), the Association of Neonatologists of Ukraine, the "Institute of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology of NAMS of Ukraine", DP "IPAG NAMS of Ukraine" and Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, organised the international conference "Modern approaches to rehabilitation of premature babies and children at an early age: Ukrainian realities" in Kiev, Ukraine. With 350 participants the conference was a big success and a great opportunity for…
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New global report shows: Nearly 30 million sick and preterm newborns in dire need of treatment every year

We are honoured to announce that EFCNI is among the co-editors of a new report by the World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF, representing the voice of parents whose children have been affected by preterm birth. The report shows that nearly 30 million babies are born too soon, too small or become sick every year and need specialised care to survive. Key findings of the new report "Survive and Thrive: Transforming Care for Every…
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Season’s Greetings and a Happy New Year 2019

Throughout the year we could witness your commitment in raising awareness for the needs of preterm babies and their parents, in addressing issues and hence, in improving newborn care. This really is a driving force to us. Now, at the end of an eventful and truly remarkable year, we are looking back on what we achieved for children born too soon and their families. This was made possible thanks to your support. Let us recall and celebrate some of these…
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11 months – 11 topics – lighthouse highlights in 2018

As part of our communication motto "11 months – 11 topics" in 2018, we introduced the concept of lighthouse projects. Every month, we featured one or more lighthouse projects. These are projects realised by members of our network or others active in neonatal care. They can be a source of inspiration, a motivator or a role model for other organisations. We compiled a summary of lighthouse highlights in 2018:  How to implement hygiene measures in a hospital – and foster…
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Neonatologie der Zukunft – neue Wege gehen: EFCNI Jubiläumskonferenz setzt neue Impulse

Am Freitag, 30. November und Samstag 1. Dezember 2018, lud EFCNI anlässlich des 10-jährigen Stiftungsjubiläums, zur ersten eigenen neonatologischen Fachkonferenz in das Klinikum Dritter Orden, München. Das Symposium, im historischen Vortragssaal des Münchner Klinikums, versammelte an zwei Tagen, über 100 Experten aus fachübergreifenden Disziplinen der Bereiche Pflege- und Gesundheitsberufe, Klinikverwaltung und der medizinischen Qualitätssicherung, um gemeinsam Themen des Qualitätsmanagements im Gesundheitswesen, innovative Methoden der Surfactant Applikation (LISA), ethische Fragen in der Palliativmedizin bei schwerstkranken Neugeborenen sowie Möglichkeiten, die familienzentrierte Versorgung auszubauen,…
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The European Standards of Care for Newborn Health are published

This set of standards will have an impact on future generations in Europe and beyond, setting a new benchmark for the care of preterm and ill babies. Five years after the project’s kick-off, EFCNI in the role of the project lead, gave a reception with panel discussion at the Representation of the Free State of Bavaria to the European Union on 27 November. Along the slogan: “Newborn Health Reloaded. Shaping our babies’ future”, around 100 project members, stakeholders, medical experts…
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Munich Olympic Tower goes purple to celebrate World Prematurity Day

On November 17, once again, many buildings all over the world were gleaming in purple to celebrate World Prematurity Day (WPD) to raise awareness for the challenges preterm babies and their families have to face worldwide. Purple lightings and the typical sock-line with 9 white baby socks and one smaller purple baby sock have become widely used symbols of World Prematurity Day. This year, for the first time, one of the most famous landmarks of Munich, the Olympic Tower, was…
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Nedoklubko launches campaign “Help us with a heart” at World Prematurity Day festivities in Prague

For the eighth time, our Czech partnering parent organisation Nedoklubko, has hosted and organised a conference in anticipation of World Prematurity Day 2018 at the prestigious Žofín Palace in Prague, Czech Republic. 150 neonatal nurses participated in this year's conference which dealt with Psychology and Communication,  two important aspects in the worklife of a neonatal nurse. Moreover, Nedoklubko also launched their new campaign “Help us with a heart”, where crocheted hearts, together with an uplifting message from a clinical psychologist, are given…
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