Other content tagged: news

New e-learning resource: Preterm birth information for education professionals

Professor Samantha Johnson and the PRISM (Premature Infants’ Skills in Mathematics) Study team developed a new e-learning resource for teachers to help explain the impact being born preterm can have on a child’s development and learning, as well as practical ways teachers can support them at school. The e-learning resource is now free to schools and teachers throughout the world at In previous studies, the researchers had found out that education professionals lack…
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The NICU of the future: design meets function

Standards in practice - Best practice example for standards of care depicting the NICU of the future written by Dr Atle Moen, Consultant in neonatology at the Department of Neonatology, Rikshospitalet, Oslo University Hospital, Norway Our knowledge of how hospitalised term and preterm infants perceive, relate and are influenced by their surrounding environment has improved significantly during the last 20 years. Infants are negatively influenced…
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Respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) in preterm babies

Interview with Associate Professor Luke Jardine   Luke Jardine works as Staff Specialist Neonatology at Mater Hospital, Brisbane, Australia, Division of Neonatology. He is the author of numerous research publications in the field of neonatology with a focus on preterm birth and neonatal intensive care. Professor Jardine, respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) is a quite serious complication mainly in preterm babies, can you give us a little more background on the disease and explain which babies are primarily at risk? RDS…
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European Commission launches new version of the Union Register on May 3, 2019

The European Commission launched a new version of its Union Register of medicinal products, listing all medicinal products authorised by the Commission, in total over 1,300 medicines. The Union Register was first established in 1995 and, besides medicinal products for human and veterinary use, includes also orphan drugs. The register also informs about refused authorisations or withdrawn requests, and medicines that are authorised only on a national level. In this new version, there are…
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Happy anniversary TinyLife! Our Northern Irish partner organisation turned 30

„We may be Tiny but we aim to make a big impression“ Our heartfelt congrats to TinyLife, our partner organisation from Northern Ireland, for 30 years of committed and sustainable support for preterm babies and their families. Since 1988, TinyLife has been dedicated to reducing preterm birth, illness, disability and death in babies born in Northern Ireland. The charity was founded as NIMBA (Northern Ireland Mother & Baby Appeal), back then, they were the only charity for preterm and vulnerable…
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Ellerini yikamak kolaydir – “Wash your hands – it’s easy” goes international

Thorough handwashing is an easy and fast health measure. It reduces bacteria on your hands and hence decreases the risk to catch an infection - plus it prevents the spreading of diseases. Our campaign “Wash your hands it’s easy” , which we have designed in coorporation with the Neven Subotic Stiftung, explains the sustainable benefits of handwashing to toddlers, kids and teens. On  World Hand Hygiene Day (5 May) we did not only raise awareness for the importance of hand…
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New awareness week dedicated to mental health support for parents and families

The Neonatal Mental Health Awareness Week is a new momentum to raise awareness for the impact on mental health that a stay at the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) has on the families of preterm or ill born babies. The aim of the first Neonatal Mental Health Awareness Week from 15-21 April 2019 is dedicated to campaign for funded and planned mental health support for everyone who is involved in the neonatal pathway. Mental health support falls greatly behind in…
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Standards of Care for Small and Sick Newborns Report: EFCNI participates in WHO meeting

To benefit from expert input in order to finalise the report on Transforming Care for Every Small and Sick Newborn, the World Health Organization (WHO) has hosted a three-day technical meeting in April on Standards of Care for Small and Sick Newborns in Geneva, Switzerland.  One crucial objective of the meeting was to take neonatal nursing, nurturing care and human rights as they apply to newborn care into consideration. We are thrilled that EFCNI had been invited to participate in…
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EFCNI at the 2nd World Congress on Maternal Fetal and Neonatal Medicine in London

Too early for Baby Sussex but in time for the 2nd World Congress on Maternal Fetal and Neonatal Medicine. For the second time, EFCNI participated at this biennial international congress, located at the stunning Queen Elizabeth II Congress Centre, right in the heart of London. EFCNI chaired a well-received session on “How to collaborate and communicate with parents in critical decision making situations”, followed by a lively discussion. Chair of the session and first speaker, EFCNI Chairwoman Silke Mader provided…
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EFCNI participates in 2nd Global Forum on Economic Crisis, Women’s Health and DOHaD Consequences

Discussing the consequences of economic crisis on women’s and children’s health: the 2nd Global Forum on Economic Crisis, Women's Health and DOHad Consequences at the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) in London from 3 to 4 April 2019, brought together experts in the Developmental Origins of Health and Disease (DOHaD) concept, obstetrics & gynaecology, neonatology & paediatrics, public health, health economics, social science and education along with representatives from government and non-government organisations including the World Health Organization…
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