Other content tagged: news

Important milestones for preterm babies and their parents in the Slovak Republic

A guest article by Iveta Jančoková from the Slovakian parent organisation “maliček” In the Slovak Republic it is not very common that parent representatives have the opportunity to present their cause in an expert forum for medical staff, therefore it was a great honour for us and “maliček” to be invited to talk about the parental view in preterm health during the international congress “Martin's Days 2019”, taking place in Martin. At this conference we took the opportunity to present…
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New baby? New app!

Saving precious moments on new Baby+ app It is a very convenient and also fun way to keep track on your pregnancy and your baby’s development using digital tools. The new Baby+ app provides parents with insightful and helpful information, a wide range of trackers, such as height, weight, sleeping and feeding patterns. So far so good, however it also comes with informative articles, guides and lullabies and it is also possible to track multiple babies, siblings for instance, at…
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GLANCE – 1st Founding Committee Meeting

In January, EFCNI announced the founding of GLANCE, the Global Alliance for Newborn Care on the annual Parent Organisations Meeting.  After thorough planning and preparations, the first GLANCE Founding Committee Meeting took place in Munich. 14 international parent representatives from Europe, Turkey, Africa, Australia, the United States, Canada and Mexico as well as four EFCNI members, had been working hard in a two days meeting to make progress in structural and organisational regards, settling for areas of activities and deciding…
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eSeminar on support of parents in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU)

How can you support parents in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU)? Who would know better than someone who has been affected herself? Learn more in the eSeminar by the Neonatal Care Academy with Silke Mader, Chairwoman of the Executive Board and co-founder of the European Foundation for the Care of Newborn Infants (EFCNI). Silke shares the parent perspective on welcoming parents and the family 24 hours a day and…
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Every Newborn Everywhere: closing gaps in neonatal care – WHO and Unicef present Global report “Survive and Thrive” at WHO World Health Assembly in Geneva

A guest article by Livia Nagy Bonnard, EFCNI PAB member and co-founder of Melletted a helyem Egyesület (Right(s) beside you) Each year, health officials from all 194 WHO Member States gather in Geneva, Switzerland, for the 72nd World Health Assembly. After two years of preparation, the final report “Survive and Thrive; Transforming Care for every small and sick newborn” has been presented at this meeting. At a panel, the report’s findings were highlighted and discussed, together with two further reports,…
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Act early! Screen early! May is dedicated to our pre-eclampsia awareness campaign

May is Pre-eclampsia Awareness Month and 22 May is World Pre-eclampsia Day. We have been committed in raising awareness for this severe pregnancy complication ever since and launched our new, international awareness campaign Act Early! Screen Early! to join forces with affected women and medical experts around the world. Pre-eclampsia and eclampsia may be rare conditions but the consequences can be immense – even fatal for both mother and child if untreated. Supported by renown medical societies like the Fetal…
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Weltstillwoche: Eltern stärken für das Stillen

Bereits zum vierten Mal in Folge feiert und unterstützt EFCNI  die Weltstillwoche. Unter dem diesjährigen Thema Eltern stärken für das Stillen (orig. Empower parents, enable breastfeeding ), setzt sich die World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action (WABA), als Gründerin der Weltstillwoche für das Stillen ein und betont, wie wichtig es ist, eine stillfreundliche Gesellschaft, zum Wohle von Müttern und Babys, zu schaffen. Wir unterstützen dies nachdrücklich und möchten einen Beitrag zur diesjährigen Kampagne leisten. Mit einer Umfrage möchten wir  herausfinden und…
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Empower Parents – Enable Breastfeeding: EFCNI supports World Breastfeeding Week 2019

To support this year’s World Breastfeeding Week, EFCNI is reaching out to healthcare experts AND mothers as well as their partners with a survey, asking for your experiences, advice, challenges and needs in regards to breastfeeding. The results of the survey will be evaluated (anonymously) and displayed on an infographic. During World Breastfeeding Week the infographic will be shared on our website and social media accounts. Please klick on the respective links…
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Global report “Survive and Thrive; Transforming care for every small and sick newborn” presented at WHO World Health Assembly

After a thorough researching, writing and editing process, the report “Survive and Thrive; Transforming care for every small and sick newborn” was presented at the 72nd World Health Organization (WHO) World Health Assembly on 23 May in Geneva. EFCNI was actively involved in the editing process, participated in a finalising technical meeting  and was represented at the  panel discussion "Every Newborn Everywhere: closing gaps in neonatal care" by Livia Nagy, EFCNI PAB member and…
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Parental perspectives on neonatology and paediatric intensive care: EFCNI at the GNPI congress in Leipzig

The Annual Meeting of the Society for Neonatology and Pediatric Intensive Care Medicine (GNPI) traditionally is one of the most important platforms in Germany to exchange views and latest research in neonatology and paediatric intensive care. EFCNI Chair Silke Mader and Vice Chair Nicole Thiele took part in the 45th GNPI congress in Leipzig, Germany, from 23 to 25 May 2019. In several talks and a dedicated session on the topic, Silke Mader shared the parents' views on discharge management…
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