Other content tagged: news

Current times ask for creative solutions! GLANCE Chair Committee has its first digital meeting

As the pandemic makes face to face meetings currently impossible, we were delighted to have the chance to e-meet the GLANCE Chair Committee digitally. “A global alliance, representing the stories and the voice of the parents was long overdue. We must include parents when we advocate for improvements in girls’, women’s and adolescents’ health.”, stated Chair Committee member Mary Kinney, Save the Children, US. EFCNI could…
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Act early! Screen early! Our campaign for pre-eclampsia awareness

May is the month of Pre-eclampsia awareness For the third time, EFCNI engages in the pre-eclampsia awareness month of May, by organising its international campaign Act early! Screen early! With this campaign, we want to play our part in ensuring a safe and healthy pregnancy. Advocating for early risk assessment in pregnancy is our mission and we are thrilled to have so many supporters on board this year! These times have been challenging, official launch dates had to be cancelled…
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Meet the GLANCE Chair Committee

EFCNI is honoured to announce the first GLANCE Chair Committee (link opens on GLANCE website). It is a geographically diverse Committee which follows a multi-stakeholder and interdisciplinary approach. The following 20 international representatives from 14 countries and various cultural backgrounds, equipped with a great skillset, have been elected for the next 5 years (in alphabetical order): Dr Takeshi Arimitsu, Japan; Selina Bentoom, Ghana; Ilein Bolaños, Mexico; Paula Guerra, Portugal; Juliëtte Kamphuis, The Netherlands; Gigi Khonyongwa-Fernandez, USA; Mary Kinney, South Africa;…
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Retinopathy Of Prematurity: Keep up the screening process, even in difficult times – An interview with Professor Doctor Andreas Stahl

In times of self-isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic, concerned parents are often uncertain whether they should take their babies to screening and follow-up appointments. Retinopathy of Prematurity is an eye disease that affects mainly very preterm born babies and requires a close screening. Professor Andreas Stahl, Director and Chair of Ophthalmology, University Medicine Greifswald clarifies why screening should not be postponed. Professor Stahl, is there anything one should consider regarding COVID-19 when it comes to treatment of ROP? The key…
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The little hero’s house – a holistic follow-up concept from the Netherlands

A guest article by Dr Angelique Haringsma and Hiltje Heyman The idea was born along the football field. Our sons were in the same team and we were not only cheering for them because, during our conversations, we felt the same passion as we were both working in the care and cure section. Angelique Haringsma as a neonatologist and Hiltje Heyman as a family coach. The strange thing is that, while we are both working with premature babies and their…
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COVID-19 – Possible risks during pregnancy: An interview with Doctor Dietmar Schlembach

Doctor Schlembach, does it make sense to test every pregnant woman for corona? No, that is not necessary. Screening recommendations vary from country to country, so please check the recommendations from your health care administration. But generally it is recommended that only persons with symptoms suggestive for CoVid 19 shall be tested. Generally, pregnant women do not appear to be more severely unwell than the general population if they develop COVID-19. As…
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GLANCE: Global Call to Action for Newborn Care – Japan is taking action

In November 2019, the Global Call to Action for Newborn Care was published. In 8 political demands, the Call to Action strives to advance the care for babies born too soon, too small or too sick and the support given to their families. Up to now the Global Call to Action for Newborn Care is available in 22 languages, Japanese being one of them. The International Communication Committee of the Japan Academy of Neonatal Nurses (JANN), supported us to translate…
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COVID-19 – Risks for preterm born infants: An interview with Professor Doctor Christoph Bührer

COVID-19 and its distribution is on everyone‘s lips and speculations run high. Especially older people and persons with a pre-existing medical condition appear to be develop a serious illness more often than others (WHO). This might leave parents-to-be, parents of preterm born infants and former preterms worrying. We talked to Professor Doctor Christoph Bührer, Medical Director Department of Neonatology, Charité Berlin about the risks he sees for unborn babies, preterm born infants and preterm born adults. …
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Workshop: Implementation of the European Standards of Care for Newborn Health

What can be done to implement the European Standards of Care for Newborn Health (ESCNH)? This is a question that does not only concern EFCNI but also national parent organisations. At the ESCNH workshop in Munich parent representatives from all over Europe, presented their plans and actions to implement the standards in their country, giving each other new ideas and support. EFCNI started to organise the workshops regularly to support the parent organisations network…
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International Conference on Human Milk Science and Innovation (ICHMSI)

EFCNI partnered the first ICHMSI that was held in Europe , during which EFCNI’s Chairwoman Silke Mader shared her personal story in a presentation about enteral nutrition and long-term outcomes in preterm infants. Explaining that human milk among other things can reduce the risk of serious morbidities sepsis, necrotising enterocolitis and retinopathy of prematurity and also improve neurodevelopmental and other health outcomes.  Mrs Mader than pointed out what could improve the situation for preterm…
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