Other content tagged: news research

Characteristics and outcomes of neonatal SARS-CoV-2 infection in the UK

There is concern that neonates might contract infections more easily, but data on the infection rate of SARS-CoV-2 in babies is limited. To gain more insights, researchers in the UK analysed incidence, transmission and severity of SARS-CoV-2 cases in newborn babies receiving hospital care. Due to the lack of data about how the virus spreads to newborns and how it affects them, guidelines for the management of babies at risk have varied. However, the…
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The need for supporting the mental health of parents after preterm birth

How relationship satisfaction and emotional dependency positively affects the mental health of parents after preterm birth Ilknur Okay, President of our Turkish partner parent organisation El Bebek Gül Bebek and Chair Committee Member of GLANCE, has been pushing the topic of mental health in correlation with the burden of preterm birth forward for many years. Now the trained psychologist has, in collaboration with Çiğdem Yavuz Güler from the Fatih Sultan Mehmet Vakıf University, Istanbul,…
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What parents want to know about their preterm baby’s care

Researchers explored the knowledge needs and skills acquisition of parents during their baby’s neonatal intensive care stay in California, USA. The study revealed differences in the learning needs and skills acquisition depending on the parents’ age and characteristics of the newborn. Moreover, the infant’s medical course and questions about feeding were the main topics of parental interest. Having a preterm baby in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) is challenging for the family. During…
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Parental knowledge of respiratory infections in preterm infants

A survey among parents regarding their understanding of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and other respiratory infections in preterm babies showed a highly established knowledge. Most parents consider RSV illness a very serious condition and identified nurses, doctors, and pamphlets as their primary sources of information. The Canadian Premature Babies Foundation (CPBF), a parent-led organisation, strives to minimise the overwhelming challenges of families of preterm babies through the provision of evidence-based information. These educational mandates,…
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Health-related quality of life among Ethiopian pregnant women during COVID-19 pandemic

Several studies revealed that the COVID-19 pandemic has increased stress, anxiety and symptoms of depression. Additionally, previous studies have shown that social support during pregnancy has a positive impact on the mental health of women in general. Since the changes during the pandemic have also caused social distancing, this may have created a negative effect on pregnant women’s well-being. The study by Dule et al. investigated the health-related quality of life of pregnant women…
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Benefits of healthy lifestyle interventions in improving maternal and infant health outcomes

The review reports evidence from meta-analyses on smoking cessation, alcohol reduction, diet and physical activity at reducing the risk of adverse health outcomes. The outcomes vary, yet diet and physical activity appear to be the variables with the most significant impact on maternal and infant health. Fetal and infant health is related to maternal behaviours during pregnancy. Some adverse pregnancy outcomes such as maternal and perinatal mortality, low birthweight, and preterm birth share common…
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Changes in thresholds for treatment of extremely preterm infants – a study among neonatal experts in the UK

Through an online survey among UK neonatal staff, the thresholds and viability for treatment of extremely preterm infants (EPIs) were evaluated. Respondents reported a median grey zone for neonatal resuscitation between 22 and 24 weeks’ gestation. Compared with previous studies, the survey showed a shift in the threshold for resuscitation, with greater acceptance of active treatment for infants also below 23 weeks’ gestation. Infants born before 28 weeks of pregnancy are considered EPIs, and…
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Mistreatment of newborns after childbirth in health facilities in Nepal

An observational cohort study addresses the evidence gap on the mistreatment of newborns in hospitals in Nepal. The majority of the included newborns received some unnecessary or not-consented medical intervention, and one-quarter experienced disrespectful treatment. There was evidence of greater mistreatment among infants from disadvantaged ethnic groups and those born to younger mothers. Further interventions are required to reduce inequity and mistreatment of newborns. The rise in institutional births brings new challenges. These challenges…
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Association between maternal HIV infection and preterm birth

The treatment of HIV with antiretroviral therapies (ARTs) has improved people’s quality of life and extended their life span. This also leads to more HIV-infected women having children, as ARTs also protect the baby from contracting the virus. However, ARTs may cause negative effects on pregnancy outcomes, with increases in preterm birth rates. In the study by Elenga et al., pregnancy outcomes of HIV-positive mothers receiving different types of ART were compared to uninfected…
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Global analysis of neonatal care during the COVID-19 pandemic – a healthcare providers’ perspective

With COVID-19 disrupting neonatal health systems globally, a group of experts undertook a thematic analysis of healthcare providers’ experiences using a disseminated online survey. Results show high levels of stress on healthcare providers, disruption of newborn care practices, and lack of guidelines regarding preterm newborns and babies with low birthweight (LBW) during the pandemic. There is an urgent need to protect life-saving interventions. The implementation of the Every Newborn Action Plan in 2014 by…
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